Now you're on My Home-ground..
(Will peruse links later; I vas dere, among the many who Saw the horror of our actions there and: then.)
Believe that: this topic will Not 'go away': indefinitely. It-all has yet to be Faced, by other than tiny minorities amidst this dysfunctional tribe.
But that level of horror is today transmuted to the larger-
That Murican Jingoism has attenuated not-a-Whit since those 58,000 (of merely Our sacrificial-lambs) were slaughtered
--I expect the Viet number-estimates should be in one of your links.
It is not just that Muricans are willfully-ignorant of our/others'/..world! histories, but that they determinedly
WILL NOT (dare not??) LOOK AT
themselves and their ludicrously-lauded VALUEZ.
(I haven't the basis for any guess about, whether or not such a plurality of the willfully ignorant have ever been 'cured' in history.)
Even when "they had lots of time ... to ponder.." As we do not. Guess we'll see. Eh?
Re. links:
WhatÂs remarkable is how little discussion there is of this. Turse has uncovered emphatic and undeniable evidence, much of it from the US militaryÂs own archives, that US war crimes in the Vietnam war were not only endemic but systematic. If you were unfamiliar with US politics, youÂd expect this to cause a major public scandal, soul searching and all of that.
"We won the war after we left, in effect," he told the New York Times in 1991. "One of our great strategic aims was to stop the Communist advance in Southeast Asia, and when you look at Southeast Asia today, the Communists have made no gains. Today, Vietnam is a basket case run by a bunch of old men and is a threat to no one but itself."
3) Bad addy:
http://crookedtimber.org/ happens to feature this on Home. No way to find your intended #
But Ken L's early response seems both adequate and sufficient:
Ken_L 08.16.13 at 11:33 am
The absence of discussion is remarkable but neither surprising nor hard to understand. The implications of the information are so incompatible with Americans self-image that the information is either rejected as too obviously untrue to warrant serious consideration, or ridiculed as liberal lies intended to weaken The Homeland.
One sees the same thing with regard to the invasion of Iraq  even the slightest suggestion that this was abominable behaviour that placed the USA on the same level as other nations that have waged aggressive war over the years was violently rejected as unthinkable. There is no need to make a reasoned rebuttal because the accusation is so self-evidently false. People Like Us just donÂt do that sort of thing.
The frenzied reaction to ObamaÂs acknowledgement that America might have actually made some mistakes in its past foreign policy (ÂApology tour!Â) is a symptom of the same mindset, as is the refusal to concede that Islamic terrorism is anything but the irrational lashing out of a crazed religion hell-bent on murder and mayhem because jihad. When your sense of identity depends utterly on a sense of moral superiority  American exceptionalism! the last best hope of mankind!  any suggestion that really you are just like everyone else has to be met with either a furious response or ignored completely. Trying to engage with the threat in a reasoned way admits the possibility that there is some truth in it, and that opens such unthinkable consequences that it cannot be entertained.
Surprised at your final comment re.
..much good coming from it ... [??]
Since these failures within the zeitgeist or, say,
Die schlimmer zeit: ensuing as direct result of The Cheney Shogunate and its clear responsibility for
--not mere spiritual bankruptcy but actual Financial bankruptcy too:
What could be
more relevant Now? than to follow the chain of evidence from Vietnam through 'Grenada' and all the other little wars-of-convenience,
culminating in the remaining Invasion-caused one, adjacent to the Other/optional Invadee--as today also seems nowhere-near 'stable'. (Both shall be Failed Nations, de facto.)
Why do that?
What, because this recent
evidence must be 'processed' within Our Own dysfunctional warring-tribes, busily dismantling about every single 'thing'
(within a previous America: perhaps Worth fighting-for?)
there's no point in even trying to mention/then Face ... Root Causes of our self-inflicted utter-incompetence to Self-rule?
I believe it is impossible to over-state the direness of 'Our' current predicament, wherein virtually every facet of living/governing/thinking! is afloat
in a miasma of Intentional-lies, crass manipulation by the Ruling-plutocracy, while now >Half are said to be living 'at poverty level'.
Simple KISS, really: IF Muricans can be neither cajoled NOR bludgeoned into Facing -->
| just a few root-Causes of their ongoing discontent with Rule-by-plutocrats, (say)
then none-of-the-above is conceivably reversible.
Are you then ready to cease efforts merely because the odds Are so pathetic?
(Hey! I'm almost there; should there ever Be a Tea-Senate
[..a distinct possibility, say several], I'll peddle my cottage-on-land: quite attractive to a current crop of Gentry)
and decide: where next to hang-out until the people start disrobing at bus stops (they appear too-Chicken/befuddled to actually Do Anything, yet.)
IF: Tea-Senate THEN: might as well call 'US'
Egypt-West? as, total-gridlock next --> we Shall sink-past several tipping-points, irrevocably.
Sane, creeping -gradualism/patience? at all these inflection points, what's that called.
Et tu, Brute--already? :-0