He and his companion seeing-eye dog can push their purloined shopping cart amidst the ruins of DC, hoping for a few crumbs from the Mad Max Corps of de-Engineers
--well, if They're still around, even.
[er, this-all IS Theatre, ain't it--still??]
Existential Fantasy
and, Ooh--somewhat off-topic but in same thread, this gem
EconWatcher says:
August 6, 2013 at 2:18 pm
Maybe I missed it, but I havenÂt seen a thread to complain about Obama pushing Larry Summers as Fed chair. So IÂm forced to use this one.
Seriously, Larry Summers may be the biggest jerk in Washington. A bold statement, I know, but I think his record warrants it.
HeÂs a classic VSP. Often wrong but never in doubt. He managed to dis just about everyone who was more prescient than he was leading into the financial crisis (a large crowd). HeÂs one of the geniuses who thought it was a great idea to leave credit default swaps and other derivatives entirely unregulated. He has to be one of the greatest recent examples of failing upwards.
And heÂs just temperamentally unsuited for any job that requires more diplomatic skills than a junkyard dog. For better or worse, markets follow every syllable that the Fed chair says, and can go haywire from the slightest inaptly worded statement. Does this sound like a job for Larry Summers? Larry frickin Summers?
What is Obama thinking?
(Nice to see someone else sharin the Luv for this reptile.. who just may get the gig, anyway, since it's all surreal.)