By whom and upon the basis of what? The rationale of the declaration can clearly not be the existence of a one-to-one onto mapping from the set of qualities of homosexual marriages to the set of qualities of heterosexual marriages.

In any case, I reject your assertion that any such "declaration" has been made with respect to marriage.

Between 1998 and 2012, there were 31 votes in 30 states on this issue, and in all but one case, voters agreed to limit marriage to opposite-sex couples. The single exception was in Arizona, where in 2006 voters rejected a same-sex marriage ban. However, Arizona voters went on to approve a ban in the 2008 election. In November 2012, Minnesota was the 31st state to consider a constitutional provision limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples, and they rejected their proposed ban.

I don't think "society" at large is with you on this. Not that it matters as the USSC is, apparently.