Worth a reading/watching IMO. (My sigma):

~~ We need contemporaneous s/ware which is as sophisticated as the 'gathering' techniques, to:

A) Create an audit trail.
Including WHAT (info) was used, WHEN (and the legally-allowable constraints on this particular data-set.)

B) Have Lawyers and Coders in SAME ROOM when these matters are being limned, then sketched.. then employed.

IMO Lessig really *GETS* [enough! of] "the IT process", on micro- and macroscopic levels) to have a vision of How 'Privacy' may be safeguarded /
Users of these data may be held Accountable / excesses MAY BE anticipated and 'flagged' (my interpretation) ... while allowing lawful pursuit of Bad Guys,
the monstrous ad-Ad-AD proliferations of Vulture-capitalism, etc. -- which employ the same mining techniques already.

(Unclear if the implications of
'metadata correlative analyses' can be grokked by those with the IQ of a congresscritter, on first pass
--but ways can be found to increase their limited math/other capabilities: to also Get THIS.)

The video/maybe only audio?==was npr ... will be on Moyers' website

Lessig is up to this task--even knowing of One, in our Murican sea-of-incompetents ... is ... well, Something.

ED: PS Lessig's Super-PAC idea appears to have legs; simple idea / massive gravitas
Lets Do. It. instead of perpetual grousing about the Greedheads having a lock on It All.
(Need new citizen funding / empowering citizens to have much more control for certain $Big expenditures "on 'Our' behalf" .)

(Lessig) 0.05% give the max polit. $contribs. to "our" Reps. We Knew That, but Lessig has a fine synthesizing Mind, in addition to his other qualities.
Fixing Citizens United isn't enough: the funding of all Reps needs-Must be, finally, FACED and acted upon.
THIS, IMO is the acid test for Murican complacency and SLOTH -vs- any survival worth living-in, next..
We know the Odds on this, too :-/