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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Brief Update on The Owl
Hey all,

I've not been in here since sometime last year, August, maybe, sorry about that.

My dad turned 90 in February this year and my mom turned 83 in January this year as well, and even though I'm not their "hands on" caretaker, their situation seems to keep me pretty busy. But my brother and sister finally got more involved and that's helped. I just have to find a balance between my parents and my husband and I.

Not something that will be easy to do, but something I have to do, as I was burning the candle on both ends as well as the middle.

I have no chance of catching up all the posts I missed, so I'll start fresh, and if there's anything you think I should know that's happened while I wasn't here, post it with To Owl in the subject line or e-mail me. :)

I'll try to pop in here whenever I can.


When asking God for a break, be sure to specify what KIND you want!
New Wecome back!
I've had a IWeThey hiatus myself for a couple years or more.

Think about questions your parents have answers to that you might like to know about sometime in the future. Ask those questions now and make notes. I have questions now about some things that can never be answered.
New Great advice! I'm in your boat now myself.
New Re: Welcome back!
Thanks Alex!

I'm the paperwork person, so I have the majority of any answers needed, medical histories, personal achievements, lineage, well on dad's side, anyway. Mom's lineage is sketchy, because her mom was kidnapped and raised by Gypsies.

I can't think of any other answers I need from them. We've done the living will/POT's already. My brother is the POT first, and he's handling the majority of the banking. Mom still writes her own checks, and John and I deposit checks for her because we see her more often and can get them signed, and we have an ATM card for them. Oh, and she still has her organ job with me at the church.

Personal answers, are a little more cloudy. I'd like to understand Mom more, but I don't know if it's possible. Mom and I haven't ever agreed on much of anything, we have views that are complete opposites of the spectrum. That makes for real difficulties communicating at times because we simply can't understand one another.

Those words that Ashton told me about once, that have no set meaning, they only mean what the person using them is thinking, are the worst culprits. Words like easy, early, long time ago, have a different meaning every time we use them. For example, "A long time ago for me" means back when I lived at home, in my mind. In mom's, "A long time ago" can mean last week, last month, or last year.

Or simple words like box and crate. For me, a crate has holes in it and is more an open air container. for me, a box has enclosed sides and has only hand holds or other openings like banana boxes have. Mom will say she wants a crate and I bring her a crate and she wanted a box. So now I have to work really hard to define things correctly and it's very time consuming. (Of course in here, a BOX means a certain IWE member ;) Good thing she doesn't know that!)

And I don't mean to be complaining, I'm really just frustrated, but I don't have any other way to fix it other than to continue to clarify and clarify and get her to do the same.

For example, if someone asked you to buy them a CD case, what would YOU think of? ;)


When asking God for a break, be sure to specify what KIND you want!
Expand Edited by Nightowl May 12, 2013, 06:27:16 PM EDT
New Hiya.
Don't stress about not catching up. I had a hiatus a few years ago and any break longer than about a week there is far too much to read.

Otherwise welcome back!

Just Add Story http://justaddstory.wordpress.com/
New Re: Hiya.
Thanks, Wade. :)

I'm just planning to skim over the month of May, since it's the current one, in the forums I actually read.

I'm so behind in some of my other groups like Star Wars and Young and Restless, I just quit trying. I think I stay ahead of about three sites now.


When asking God for a break, be sure to specify what KIND you want!
New I'm in all sorts of places... :-)
As well as here, I'm on Twitter (two accounts!), I am on Facebook, have two blogs, and am on at least three other forums plus occasional presence on at least two more.

Just Add Story http://justaddstory.wordpress.com/
New Good to see you! Take care of yourself.
     Brief Update on The Owl - (Nightowl) - (7)
         Wecome back! - (a6l6e6x) - (2)
             Great advice! I'm in your boat now myself. -NT - (mmoffitt)
             Re: Welcome back! - (Nightowl)
         Hiya. - (static) - (2)
             Re: Hiya. - (Nightowl) - (1)
                 I'm in all sorts of places... :-) - (static)
         Good to see you! Take care of yourself. -NT - (Another Scott)

We get more play than a 6-disc changer in a bitchin' Camaro.
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