IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New Standard demo setup
Required a few network and electrical cords that were not in the conference room when the major client showed up.

I (and my brother) spent 20 minutes running cables from out of our office, down the hall, and into the conference room. We snaked them in and out of the ceiling tiles as needed, between doorways and firewalls.

The maintenance department was NOT happy.
New I remember a story...
At my first full-time job, all the workspaces were behind security doors (simple swipe readers). But the training rooms were not - they were only inside the building's outer swipe-card zone. So when they were first outfitted, there were no datapoints.

But there was still a comms room. A colleague tells me of having to therefore run a short training course *in* the comms room because they needed access to a minicomputer terminal. Which was, of course, central to the training.

I think someone in management discovered this fairly quickly and outfitted the proper training rooms with datapoints... :-)

Just Add Story http://justaddstory.wordpress.com/
     Hospital emergency today. - (Andrew Grygus) - (6)
         :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
         "I didn't touch anything!" - (static) - (4)
             Our CIO did exactly the same thing. - (mmoffitt) - (3)
                 Along similar lines - (hnick) - (2)
                     Standard demo setup - (crazy) - (1)
                         I remember a story... - (static)

The little corncobs on toothpicks are particularly good.
32 ms