When you pay me several hundred dollars per hour I'll come up with all kinds of historical bullshit to support your favored historical stupidity. That's what lawyers do. But that's not my goal.
I have no need to play AS to your BEEP. He was wrong then (sorry beep), just as you are now, and it is simply a matter of demographics moving forward as your viewpoint is erased, an old person dying at a time.
The old people try to inflict their prejudice on the young ones, but as each young one gets to know (or become aware of) a close gay relative or friend (that's why the closet is evil, it allows people like you to live in ignorance which causes pain for many when you try to enforce your viewpoints), and that gay person adds a humanizing viewpoint to a dehumanized stereotype. Or shoves you deeper into your isolation when you deny the obvious and causes you to fight.
Yay peer pressure and cultural enforcement of "norms"! And the days of YOUR norms are over. Either way, the viewpoint will suffer, as will the holders of it.
I'd like to know what your kids say on the matter. Point them to the board and ask what they think. They are adults, right? My kids know this board, and it is always possible if they don't like something I say they will pipe up and contradict me.