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New driftglass on Chris Hedges.

"Purity trolls are pure."

As long as you recognize that, you're Ok reading them. If you don't recognize that, it's only a few steps to reach Conspiracyville, IMO.

A good read with some nice pictures.

New Re: driftglass on Chris Hedges.
And a comment on the first comment, love it:
..aaand the PC Flying Monkey Brigade draws first blood!

Wow. Good read, but yes you are right there with the assessment.
PGP key 1024D/B524687C 2003-08-05
Fingerprint: E1D3 E3D7 5850 957E FED0 2B3A ED66 6971 B524 687C
New Purity trolls are also an easy out
It's all too easy to complain when somebody who promises a, b, c, d, e, f, and g, actually delivers a very poor compromise on a and c, blatantly ditches b, d, e, and f, and halfheartedly delivers on g, that they are a "purity troll". A lot of what is ditched may have been predictable previously, but mentioning that is apparently too "pure". It really is fair to remind bounder politicians of their promises and their total abdication of them. But wait! SHINY!! OVER THERE!!
New Criticism is good and expected.
Obama's a big boy - he knows criticism comes with the office.

That's not what Hedges does in the times I've heard him. He makes a point about a bad policy, but then, as driftglass says, turns it into a "a pox on both their houses" rant.

My wife J is a strong critic of Obama (she gets furious with him), and generally likes Hedges, but the last time we watched him on C-SPAN, she was taken aback by some of his statements. If you go too far left for her, you've gone off the rails. ;-)

I think it was this "InDepth" show, but can't swear to it - http://www.c-spanvid.../program/303072-1


New no, its my dog barking is cute
yours is annoying
http://stateofthemed...v-news-landscape/ 85% of opine does not a news channel make
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 57 years. meep
I think driftglass's point was that MSNBC is not the mirror-image of FoxNews. In my skimming of the Pew story you linked to, I didn't see anything about the lies that FoxNews spreads. Would those count as "facts" or "opinion" in Pew's methodology? I can't tell.


(Who only watches 2 shows on MSNBC, and infrequently at that.)
New Why that's.. That Intro is: the visual equivalent of,
Mankind [here funneled down to one C. Hedges] lacks Scale and Relativity.
But maybe the picture is easier to grok ... without those big words.

(If one can make the charge stick, etc.)
     driftglass on Chris Hedges. - (Another Scott) - (6)
         Re: driftglass on Chris Hedges. - (folkert)
         Purity trolls are also an easy out - (hnick) - (1)
             Criticism is good and expected. - (Another Scott)
         no, its my dog barking is cute - (boxley) - (1)
             TLDR. - (Another Scott)
         Why that's.. That Intro is: the visual equivalent of, - (Ashton)

Friends, the idle brain is the devil's playground!
68 ms