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New As I pointed in the run-up to the election coverage
No matter how piss poor the source, if it supplies any truth worth researching, then I will not insult the source, I'll go for the actual material.

It didn't matter, box took a break anyway and the conversation died.

But I'll point it out for this as well. Either there are facts in that article that affects my opinion and allows me some additional coherent thoughts on the subject, or it is merely emotional rabble rousing bullshit. Since most articles in most sources are BOTH, and it is up to me to pull the bullshit from the facts apart, I have the general cynical attitude for most statements until researched further.

So, this one is easy. Accept that your home is wide open for anyone unless you have the force to protect it from the majority of local threats. Or tell me that you feel your family's access to guns push them over the suicide risk rate that you consider acceptable, and you feel the likelihood of the home invasion is less than the likelihood of the suicide risk, and therefor you choose the home invasion risk.

It is an individual risk/reward that simply cannot be dictated to others at least at the comfort of choice level.
New <sigh>
This piece is just red meat for fanatical true believers (the parts I skimmed of it anyway). The following screed isn't directed at you, crazy, but at the piece.

Some things don't need to be said, at least not to adults. For example:

"You are going to die someday. When you die, you will go through the experience alone."

"You cannot protect your children all the time. Bad things will happen to them. They may die before you."

"Life is unfair. You will be treated badly by those you love and trust."

"An ambulance cannot reach you instantly. You may die in an accident when you wouldn't have died if the medics had reached you sooner."

"There is a chance you will die as the result of a safe, routine procedure."

"There is a chance you will be horribly injured by a reaction to a safe vaccine or a flu shot."

"There is a chance you will die as the result of a meal you have at a restaurant."

"There's a chance you will die in a public space as a result of something falling on you[1]."

"There is a chance you will die in your bed as the result of a hidden sink hole under your house."

"There is a chance you will die because someone will break into your house and attack you before you can defend yourself."

"There is a chance you will die coming home from a party, killed by your neighbor who has a similar house[2]."

And so forth.

The TownHall piece is propaganda. Taking a corner-case as an argument for an over-arching policy is stupid.

Sensible people don't need to be told that police cannot arrive instantly when there's a problem. Police cannot break the laws of physics.

Most adults know that they are not Rugged Individuals who can be totally responsible for all aspects of their lives at all times. They know they live in a society that has pluses and minuses and among them is communal policing. Life isn't a 1950's TV show.

Yes, some people live in areas that are dangerous and have a reasonable argument for needing additional security arrangements than the police alone can provide. Some of those additional arrangements involve firearms at home. Some. O'Keefe and his minions likely aren't among those people, and neither are most of TownHall's readers.

Oh, and O'Keefe is a demonstrated liar[3]. He's not a good source for any argument on the right.


[1] http://abcnews.go.co...7015#.UVBJexcQ2QA

[2] http://www.washingto...a73b49_story.html

[3] http://www.breitbart...imberlin-blogwar/

New Sigh back
Yes, some people live in areas that are dangerous and have a reasonable argument for needing additional security arrangements than the police alone can provide. Some of those additional arrangements involve firearms at home. Some. O'Keefe and his minions likely aren't among those people, and neither are most of TownHall's readers.

Mighty broad strokes you paint there. And mighty fine level judgement on those readers. I assume you know each and every one of their personal location and situation that would demand it, and would be perfectly happy to sit on some committee to decide on a case by case basis which of them are truly needing and deserving of their rights.

Wow, you certainly have painted a picture of a nice gun controlled future.

How do I get on that committee?
New :-)
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 57 years. meep
New Gotta sell your soul to BHO to join. Invitation only. ;-)
New according to the email I keep getting
I just need to cough up the right amount of cash to join
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 57 years. meep
New (Money IS 'the [only] soul' of the vulture capitalist.)
New Statistically,
There seem to be considerably more suicides than home invasions.

Now, I live in an apartment, so weapons that don't respect drywall make the choices public as a matter of moral and physical reality.
In the desert, you can't remember your name
     Here you go box - (crazy) - (9)
         You'd expect something different from O'Keefe's Veritas? -NT - (Another Scott) - (8)
             As I pointed in the run-up to the election coverage - (crazy) - (7)
                 <sigh> - (Another Scott) - (5)
                     Sigh back - (crazy) - (4)
                         :-) -NT - (boxley)
                         Gotta sell your soul to BHO to join. Invitation only. ;-) -NT - (Another Scott) - (2)
                             according to the email I keep getting - (boxley) - (1)
                                 (Money IS 'the [only] soul' of the vulture capitalist.) -NT - (Ashton)
                 Statistically, - (mhuber)

Eat your failures.
43 ms