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New NYTimes: More guns = more killing.

I recently visited some Latin American countries that mesh with the N.R.A.’s vision of the promised land, where guards with guns grace every office lobby, storefront, A.T.M., restaurant and gas station. It has not made those countries safer or saner.

Despite the ubiquitous presence of “good guys” with guns, countries like Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia and Venezuela have some of the highest homicide rates in the world.

“A society that is relying on guys with guns to stop violence is a sign of a society where institutions have broken down,” said Rebecca Peters, former director of the International Action Network on Small Arms. “It’s shocking to hear anyone in the United States considering a solution that would make it seem more like Colombia.”

As guns proliferate, legally and illegally, innocent people often seem more terrorized than protected.


(via Jason Major on G+ - https://plus.google....iEsFNL5tuXA?hl=en )

New footsies, handsies and hammers kill more people
than guns here. Quit the haten
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 57 years. meep
New Guns do not make people safe. That's a fact.
We don't live in Somalia or North Waziristan.

We do not live in a war zone.

We live in a civilized society.

Guns kill at a distance. Hammers don't.

Guns accidentally kill children who play War and Cops and Robbers and Cowboys and Indians with them. Hammers don't.

Guns kill innocent bystanders dozens or hundreds of feet away. Hammers don't.


Firearms and Suicide

- Although most gun owners reportedly keep a firearm in their home for "protection" or "self defense," 83 percent of gun-related deaths in these homes are the result of a suicide, often by someone other than the gun owner.

- Firearms are used in more suicides than homicides.

- Death by firearms is the fastest growing method of suicide.

- Firearms account for 50 percent of all suicides.

Fewer people would die if guns weren't in the home. Kurt Cobain and Freddy Prinze and Phil Hartman didn't die from hammers.

The US 2nd and 3rd Amendments were created in a time when there was a recent history of an occupying power being at war with us. When was the last time active duty soldiers wanted to quarter themselves in your home without your permission? When was the last time you and your able-bodied male neighbors were called up for militia duty?

If Obama and Cornyn and Gingrey and their cronies want to cart me off somewhere and throw away the key, nothing I can do is going to stop them. Guns in my home won't "protect me from tyranny".

Being an informed, rational, and sensible citizen (along with my similarly inclined neighbors) is what prevents tyranny.

Having a gun-as-a-weapon fetish is stupid and dangerous.

You can have the last word.

New thanks, you are wrong, last word "Syria"
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 57 years. meep
New Dumb last word
New I only take exception to one point...
We live in a civilized society.

Really? We used to, but now? Civility is becoming as common as real saffron in the mainstream. Other than that, you make good points.
New Shades of grey.
I'm reluctant to say the country was more civil in some previous time because one could certainly point to the treatment of blacks, or Irish or Chinese immigrants, or native Americans, or Catholics, or Jews, or ... and say that society wasn't very civil to them then.


But compared to Somalia, I think we're doing much better.


New I know...
My sense of humor is MIA. I probably should have put a smiley at the end or something.
At the moment, I am more concerned about whether my split pea soup needs more chipotle peppers than my ability to machine gun a crowd of zombies or whoever. THAT's serious (the soup, not zombies. I got no recipes for them.)
New You came to the right place for recipes. :-) Drook? AG?
New That'd be Andrew

New So...
Consider zombies to be the equivalent of aged humans, sort of like they used to hang game to let it break down naturally?
New Sorry, haven't read that

     NYTimes: More guns = more killing. - (Another Scott) - (11)
         footsies, handsies and hammers kill more people - (boxley) - (10)
             Guns do not make people safe. That's a fact. - (Another Scott) - (9)
                 thanks, you are wrong, last word "Syria" -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                     Dumb last word -NT - (crazy)
                 I only take exception to one point... - (hnick) - (6)
                     Shades of grey. - (Another Scott) - (5)
                         I know... - (hnick) - (3)
                             You came to the right place for recipes. :-) Drook? AG? -NT - (Another Scott) - (2)
                                 That'd be Andrew - (drook) - (1)
                                     So... - (hnick)
                         Sorry, haven't read that -NT - (drook)

POW, right through the window, 12 inches of steel!
60 ms