When you have most of the cards but you want to work with someone in the future, you have to balance what you take VS what they give.

You start by publicly stating to all possible supporters what you'd love to have, and, you point out if you were willing to go to scorched earth you might get it, and take out all the competition in the process.

But, since you are such a nice all powerful guy, you point out something you'll give them in the beginning. In this case, giving them a portion of the $250K+ people, up to whatever max number, removes political support of that group to the repubs.

So it is a double win. Every bit you are willing to give back removes a slice of support, so in this case he needs to determine the comfortable number of people to add to the give back list to then remove that support from the republican side.

Your take on it is each of these decisions is slow win/give away to people who don't "need" the money. You want him to go dictator mode because he's not standing for a 3rd election, and everything not to the extreme pisses you off.

Remember, you already stated your goal is to see the whole country swirl down the toilet before you die, to the point your guns will give you an edge over your neighbors, so that you still have the ability to "protect" your family when the inevitable end happens.

Your political rants push that direction. Anything you say never has a positive direction, so there is no point in following any of your arguments out. They all end in anarchy.

Fuck that.

And as AS says, your ranting obviously off the deep end.