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New Communism is the worship of the Communist leaders
Like Lenin and Stalin, or whomever is in charge. After they die, they will have their bodies mummified and put in a display case for the worshipers to worship.

But then Jesus was pushing for an early form of socialsim, one where the rich give up their wealth to the poor and needy in order to enter Heaven. One where people take care of their neighbors, etc.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Collapse Edited by orion April 24, 2002, 07:10:10 PM EDT
Communism is the worship of the Communist leaders
Like Lenin and Stalin, or whomever is in charge. After they die, they will have their bodies mummified and put in a display case for the whorshipers to whorship. But then Jesus was pushing for an early form of socialsim, one where the rich give up their wealth to the poor and needy in order to enter Heaven. One where people take care of their neighbors, etc.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New Equal time for the Generic Brands, OK?
Haven't we had enough of One Brand Fits All?

J.C was neither the first (nor the last) to try to come up with a sufficiently rollockin story.. to try to keep homo-saps from acting out their bizarre fantasies (like.. wantin to live on and on and on - completely missing the Point that death is a Great part of the life cycle). Oh -- and about the folly of tryin to 'own' everything, even when you can't recall exactly how much stuff ya have.. while snickerin at the old lady with the shopping cart (a distant Aunt maybe even).

And he fershure woulda had zippo to do with the kind of screwball above (and I'd love to hear his take on The Pope and the other Corp drones that have been pirating his stories). See.. (?) these ideas weren't all Original (nope, not even the idea of bein an avatar), another word for messiah.)

Sooo let's not be re-branding Krishna, Siva and all the others - OK? None of the stories work unless someone does the 'work' personally - all by theyselves: no free passes for Sunday School attendance and rote memorization.. (PS - that "apple" thing? it's called an allegory. Do they still have students read "The Pearl" or "Visions of Piers the Ploughman" ? so's they know *what* an allegory is?)

Salvation Co-ops Ltd.
New Fine, equal time
but why then must my opinion be squeleched just because I am a Christian, while others are given equal time or not told to squelch their opinions?

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New Squelch? ___in eye of the beholder.
But when your post commences from an assumption that everyone knows the theological assumptions you're talking about, regularly peruses the Old or New testaments for daily guidance, and sees the world through that prism - you're invited to recall that some don't know those details. Others know of them and choose different prisms to peer through.

In fact, it may be the assumption of enough Christians - that there are no other prisms - which prompts such reminders about equal time. In Murica, I'd say that the Christians get pretty un-equal time, a habit from an earlier age when it was dangerous not to profess the same stuff as your neighbor. Today the neighbors might have come from Anywhere, not from up the creek a ways.

You can only 'squelch' yourself. No one here can do that for you. If you are uncomfortable with the thought that there are other ways of living honorably, with less dogma than you prefer (?) - tough. We aren't likely to have heretic trials again - any time soon. Or if cliche is easier, try: 'get used to it'.

Maybe it is hard for you to appreciate the ill-will which has been generated in not-Christians over a lengthy period, by the frequent Murican habit of assuming it's the Only Way\ufffd. Presume what you like - but in a general audience, expect to be challenged in some of your generalities about "us all".

I think the idea of a Christians Only forum has been toyed with in past - and not adopted, for whatever reasons at the time. Maybe this was about the time that one past member sought to 'prove' that everyone else was Certainly full of shit, inherently dishonorable if not already condemned to some Fantastical Fate for a number of eons - and lied to their wives too .. Look it up, if you've forgotten The Christianity Lectures.

Feel free to propose what you like. I'll continue to feel free too, Ashcroft or no Ashcroft.

New There is more than one way
Either we go to Heaven, wait in Purgatory, or go to that very hot place down below.

Squelch, thanks for the correct spelling, it drove my spellchecker nuts. Heritic trials, why not there already is Christian trials. The next step is the making of Christianity as a crime? Almost every religion has had its dark days, or the mistreatment of non-believers. Some older ones had them before writing was invented, and the victors already re-write history anyway. It is a good excuse to start a war over. US = Good, Them = Evil, our cause is just for we fight a holy war. Perhaps that is how some of the terrorist see it, that their religion is good, and the others are evil?

I say, let people choose the best one for them, and then wait for the afterlife to see who was right and who was wrong. I'll only help people who want to change to my religion by their own free will. I will not try to convert someone who doesn't want to convert.

By faith, I am right, for that is the definition of faith, believing 100% in something. By the world's view, I am not right because not everyone else believes as I do. I also believe that God deals out karma, that "Vengence is mine, sayth the Lord", will turn around and get some of these terrorists before they die.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New If they can't 'get it Right' in another 2000 years - - - -
New Who knows if anyone got it right
for all we know, "South Park" could be right in that only the Mormons go to Heaven and everyone else ends up with that big red guy with horns? :)

Well anyway, I hope not. Nothing against Mormons, but I think that God doesn't play favorites to just one group.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New Amen, brother! :)

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick
themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." -- Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
     Mac user == satan worshipper?!? - (bbronson) - (19)
         Something I've always wondered - (drewk) - (16)
             those that ARNT godless are witches dinja know. - (boxley) - (5)
                 Oh dear Godless... - (bepatient) - (4)
                     This has gotta be a fake - (drewk) - (3)
                         I'm with you there, Drew - (Meerkat) - (2)
                             V Funny in any event; wonder what OS is hosting the site? - (bbronson) - (1)
                                 Your wish... - (bepatient)
             What it means - (orion) - (9)
                 Nah.. it's just Communism-less Godliness inAction. -NT - (Ashton) - (8)
                     Communism is the worship of the Communist leaders - (orion) - (7)
                         Equal time for the Generic Brands, OK? - (Ashton) - (6)
                             Fine, equal time - (orion) - (5)
                                 Squelch? ___in eye of the beholder. - (Ashton) - (4)
                                     There is more than one way - (orion) - (2)
                                         If they can't 'get it Right' in another 2000 years - - - - -NT - (Ashton) - (1)
                                             Who knows if anyone got it right - (orion)
                                     Amen, brother! :) -NT - (a6l6e6x)
         Great site but as to the facts - (boxley) - (1)
             There were some good ideas, amidst the dross. - (Ashton)

I'm subverting from within, I am.
81 ms