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New You're confusing his ideals with practical governing.
Does he ever say anything he actually believes?

He's about the most consistent politician I know of who says, year after year, the same things about what he believes.

Does that mean all of the policies of the federal government follow those ideals? Of course not.

He's not a Benevolent Dictator. He's the President.

"A man's got to know his limitations." Obama does. He understands his role. On policy, he can only do what Congress gives him the money and the authority to do, what the Constitution says he can do, and what existing laws say he can do.

For example: One of his first acts was to set in motion the closing of Guantanamo. Congress blocked that.

He wanted civilian trials for al Qaeda people in NYC. Congress and Bloomberg blocked that.


He's consistent about his ideals - amazingly so. He tells you where he would like to go with great clarity. But he can't get there without the votes in Congress. (You know the rest of my spiel that goes here...)

New Nice flailing.
Really, Scott, you're dangerously close to becoming an apologist. I know we differ on some key matters - most notably the USA PATRIOT Act, but he's not "a benevolent dictator" and stays within the confines of the US Constitution? Really? In the face of the fact that he, and he alone, can literally decide who gets assassinated by a killer drone, notwithstanding the target's US Citizenship status?

Warren said (paraphrased) "We believe those responsible for the collapse should be held accountable." I concur with her. President Obama doesn't. Goldman Sachs investigation dropped ring any bells? Or don't you think the AG and, consequently, the DOJ answer to the President?

He's among the most disingenuous individuals I have ever heard speak - and I was around for Breshnev and Nixon. Ever heard the expression, "Actions speak louder than words"?

I know I'm in a state that's been written off (not unjustifiably, imo). But I also know that a vote against Romney here is valuable. And make no mistake, if I somehow manage to not hear the President speak again between now and November, I might feel compelled to cast my anti-Romney vote. If that happens, that's all it will be. I expect there to be very little in the way of real change arising out of this election no matter who wins.
New I think we're beyond convincing, but...
In the face of the fact that he, and he alone, can literally decide who gets assassinated by a killer drone, notwithstanding the target's US Citizenship status?

It's a bit more complicated than that...

https://ecf.dcd.usco...doc?2010cv1469-31 (83 page .PDF of the judge's ruling dismissing the case brought by his father).

Or don't you think the AG and, consequently, the DOJ answer to the President?

I believe their comments that they didn't think they had enough evidence for a criminal conviction on these issues in this case at this time. If they were in the banks' pockets, there wouldn't have been a DOJ investigation in the first place. They didn't have to do what Levin asked:


"The department and investigative agencies ultimately concluded that the burden of proof to bring a criminal case could not be met based on the law and facts as they exist at this time," the Justice Department said in a statement late on Thursday.

Righteous indignation is righteous, but life is complicated...


     One word: Citizenship. - (Another Scott) - (8)
         It's all in the votes. - (hnick) - (3)
             He picks his battles. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 Romney might be good for the country in one respect. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                     Yes, it would auger this low flying... - (folkert)
         I shouldn't have read that. - (mmoffitt) - (3)
             You're confusing his ideals with practical governing. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 Nice flailing. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                     I think we're beyond convincing, but... - (Another Scott)

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