Zooks man! That's a lot of power for a light fixture, especially in a home.
Incandescents are terribly inefficient light sources. Most of the power is given up as heat.
If you really want ~ 2500 lumens, you should think about something like this - http://www.amazon.co...ers/dp/B00774Q6E6 2500 lumens at 28 W. The power savings would be significant.
Single LEDs are up over 254 lumens/watt now (at low power), and being improved all the time. Most halogens are less than 20 lumens/watt.
I keep waiting for reasonably-priced LED lamps that have the qualities of halogens, but they're not quite there yet. We're using compact fluroescents and living with the lack of dimability, etc., for now. One gets used to them (and we haven't had any overheating/fire issues like malraux mentioned, but YMMV).