> Blackburn? BLACKBURN?
> Sorry, but I saw him in the game that the Rangers played here in Chicago.
> Granted, the entire Rangers team forgot to show up (5-1 Rangers loss), but he
> was included in that. Let some damn easy shots get by.

One game. From what I've seen and heard about the guy is that he has the potential to be a very solid to a very good goaltender. He's 19! He has lots of time to further develop as goaltenders are usually at their peak in their early thirties. The team just needs to start playing better in front of him and Lindros should pound on Bure a bit to straighten him out. He's 31 now and he's still fucking around like in his younger years.

I've never understood what that black out thing was in Chicago. It's the ol' chicken and egg thing. How do you expect to further grow your fan base (and sell out the stadium) if casual or non-fans can't see the product. Bizarre. Toronto had the own weird whacky owner in Harold Ballard who destroyed the team during the '80s. Even though I was relatively young at the time, I remember the long losing streaks. Very sad. And the team didn't even take advantage of early draft picks as they drafted poor. Except for Wendel Clark.