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New Ditch it for 2K
I'd ditch the XP for 2K. Especially with only 96m ram. 98 should be fine, however.

I wouldn't run XP on anything less than 1ghz/256meg. Well, I won't ever run XP again, but if I did..

Oh, also, is that drive an ATA66 or better? If so, does it have the 80pin cable?

Proper grounding could be an issue..I suspect there's a hardware problem somewhere that may or may not have its roots in the lack of proper grounding.
New RRR to 98SE
It appears to be working fine now.

My brother has an XP box with a 1Ghz PIII, 512M of RAM, and an ATA100 hard drive.

My father's system has an ATA100 hard drive, we are using the cable that came with the drive. I assume it is an ATA100 cable? I didn't count the pins on it. The motherboard can handle an ATA100 drive.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New Since you have to maintain it -
Why not check out 98lite, use the 2nd option: all the M$-shifted links and a ton of garbage is left uninstalled and uncluttering. It's invisible to users, 'cept for a splash screen while Windoze loads.

Have experienced not *one* 98-lite related problem and the speed diff. is noticeable.. Of course if they are masochists and Want IE - a lot of the garbage goes back in but: you can add/subtract modules via the add/Remove Programs menu -- just like M$ ought to have done it in the first place. Yes: stuff gets modularized by 98lite.

Goodwill donation of $25 gets you the Pro version - forget what goodies that adds -- or a freebie is available.



New My father wants IE
so he can play those Yahoo Games, and access his banking site that only seems to work with IE. Sigh!

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New Works fine in Mozilla RC1 w/JRE 1.4 installed...
Just thought I'd bop over and check.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New Yahoo Games do
but the bank requires IE. Also with Mozilla and the JRE, the fonts were too small and I couldn't find a setting to change it in the JRE? Boggle!

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New Which bank?
Somebody deserves some advocacy.

Not sure what to do about the JRE fonts - they seem fine for me.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New The bank is
Bank Of America, they do Netscape 4.X, but they won't support Mozilla or Netscape 6.X. The 4.79 I downloaded says it needs %s space on the temp drive. It looks to me as if the "%s" is part of some C/C++ statement that got messed up? Yes it is a percent s that shows up in the error message. So 4.X won't install. So only IE works, has to be 5.5 or earlier as they don't support 6.0 yet.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New Have you actually tried it?
I took a look at their website, and since I don't have a BoA account, I couldn't try it, but it looks like it should work just fine by what they have written in their FAQ.

Of course, they're probably doing that stupid JavaScript bull...
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New Yes my father has tried it
I tried Mozilla 0.9.9 and Netscape 6.2 and both would not log in, and reported Javascript errors. IE 6.0 did the same thing. But once XP was uninstalled and RRR to 98SE (IE 4.0) it worked fine.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Expand Edited by orion April 24, 2002, 11:14:21 AM EDT
New Have Moz.9.9 - re JRE 1.4?
I gather that's a separate download / install? I don't recall doing that specifically, though *some* parts of "jscript on" operation works. Usually that is off.

Any gotchas for the JRE 1.4 install?

Also - when you went to the 1.0 - did you rename Mozilla folder first? Since I use the mail ap, wondering if the 9.9 --> I.0 will also be smart enought to find and transfer mail folders, bookmarks and ALL those Preferences (!?) It did the mail, bookmarks nicely from NS 4.5 (!) but I have learned to expect.. little.

Bookmarks nicely except: if I could discover how to manage bookmarks w/o the "cut" eating and losing - thus ignoring "paste"... The 'Help' file is bare-bones and IMhO inadequate. Oh well; time to haunt Mozilla HQ and see if anyone else has a workaround. I can live with its idiocy about arrow keys and scroll bars (even after clicked to show Which one - often enough - no workee with arrow keys).



hmmm - why does Zope think a "one.point.zero" is an "I.0" in preview?
New I just threw it in there.
I don't bother keeping multiple versions around right now - no need to, since it's so firkin' stable, AND I don't use it for e-mail at this point. I'm working on that part, have to train the wife first.

Java 1.4 JRE supposedly doesn't work with Mozilla right now, but I found a workaround - [link|http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&threadm=b9e2429e.0111191314.13dc5994%40posting.google.com&rnum=1&prev=/groups%3Fq%3DJRE%2B1.4%2BMozilla%26hl%3Den%26selm%3Db9e2429e.0111191314.13dc5994%2540posting.google.com%26rnum%3D1|groups.google.com] comes to the rescue.

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New Ash - "Java" and "JavaScript" are NOT the same thing.
New Realize that mostly -
Obviously jscript can be read! in ascii (and comprehended by those with a mind to). Like er VB-script and like Perl.. sorta (?)

What I was unsure of was - whether there is *any* obscure connection with the 'virtual machine' (if also loaded via Prefs checkbox). I guess the answer is NO.

Which doesn't explain the impotence of .9.9 with jscript ON, at some sites = doing nothing - even where the task-bar box shows a routine command (on mouseover) which even I recognize.

I see I'll have to scan the Mozilla errata stuff more punctiliously.. 'Help' is too coarse to be useful.

New The JavaScript minefield.
A *lot* of JS code checks for IE or Netscape 4 - yes, a specific version. If it's not carefully written (harder than you think), then things like Mozilla, Netscape 6, Opera, Konquerer and sometimes even never versions of IE will fall through the crack and the JS thinks the browser is unsupported. Whilst this may be technically correct, the right approach is to check for the features you need, not the browser versions you think you need.

I know this doesn't really help, but it does explain why some sites don't do anything in Moz even though JS is enabled. I often have the same problem with Opera.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New Thanx - shan't worry it to death then. Mere sloth in action.
New The only proper response to that is ...
Yahoo games? WTF? Get some semblance of a ife Dad.
Don't blame me. I voted with the majority.
New Use the Force, Luke.
I'd ditch the XP for 2K. Especially with only 96m ram. 98 should be fine, however.

I wouldn't run XP on anything less than 1ghz/256meg. Well, I won't ever run XP again, but if I did..

Just on a whim I loaded XP on a Dell Gn+ (P233, 64M RAM, and 3G HD) and was amazed to find it didn't puke all over itself.

Ran like a 400 pound fat man running uphill after a bus, but it did work.
New Switched to W2K
I replaced the chip with another 64M RAM chip to get 128M on the system now. Seems to run better, but I won't know until a week or so after he has used it a lot.

I suspect it could have been a bad DIMM, I used a DIMM from the old system, but replaced it today with a known good DIMM. Or maybe the old DIMM (PC100) was not compatible with the new motherboard?

98, XP, 98, W2K, in that order. I hope this doesn't confuse my father about which OS he will use.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New W2K shot craps
The audio driver just repeats the wav file and locks up the system on a shutdown forcing a chkdsk. I tried a RRR of Windows 2000 Pro would fix it, but it did not. Windows 98SE works fine with the sound.

I am spending too much time uninstalling and reinstalling stuff to get the stupid thing fixed. Maybe different hardware is in order? He does have 128M of RAM now, shouldn't make that much of a difference with 98SE, but would XP run better in 128M of RAM? Ugh, I'd hate to go through all that again.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
     Windows XP issues, corrupted files, BSOD, etc. - (orion) - (20)
         Ditch it for 2K - (Steve Lowe) - (19)
             RRR to 98SE - (orion) - (15)
                 Since you have to maintain it - - (Ashton) - (14)
                     My father wants IE - (orion) - (13)
                         Works fine in Mozilla RC1 w/JRE 1.4 installed... - (inthane-chan) - (11)
                             Yahoo Games do - (orion) - (4)
                                 Which bank? - (inthane-chan) - (3)
                                     The bank is - (orion) - (2)
                                         Have you actually tried it? - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                                             Yes my father has tried it - (orion)
                             Have Moz.9.9 - re JRE 1.4? - (Ashton) - (5)
                                 I just threw it in there. - (inthane-chan)
                                 Ash - "Java" and "JavaScript" are NOT the same thing. -NT - (CRConrad) - (3)
                                     Realize that mostly - - (Ashton) - (2)
                                         The JavaScript minefield. - (static) - (1)
                                             Thanx - shan't worry it to death then. Mere sloth in action. -NT - (Ashton)
                         The only proper response to that is ... - (Silverlock)
             Use the Force, Luke. - (n3jja)
             Switched to W2K - (orion)
             W2K shot craps - (orion)

That is The Story.

The rest is just pretty pictures.
71 ms