No, it has to to with his external influence
#1 - YES, we FUCKED up an supported all kind of evil in the region (and the world) and still do.
Ok Rand, I'm not that stupid to look adoringly at his opponents, and yes, I've been watching for years both the good and bad he's done. I LOVE his music schools!
#2 - Ok, I was wrong on the exacts of Jane. Like I said, NOW I KNOW, ie: now I understand the feeling, or at least a bit of it, but I don't really claim to truly "know", ok, more of an emotional response which I will admit to.
#3 - No, not is hue. His active engagement of every possible piece of politics and theatre to cause us (US in general, but not just) pain, and in doing so, he loudly supports dictators actively killing their own. At least when we do that (with the Sauds), our support is more ashamed, and obviously a political ploy for the betterment of OUR people. In his case, his external ventures do not help his poor people, hell, he takes money from them and gives it to the poor in the US (in the form of fuel subsidies) just to fuck with our own government (yes, I did enjoy when he did that to Bush).
Am I so stupid that you think I am jingoistically ranting against him? Have you ever seen me rattle the jingoes without at least an attempt at a decent logical backing?