Of course, she actually manned a gun that could have killed a US soldier for a photo-op, as opposed to Penn's support of a different kind of evil.
Actually, it was an NVA anti-aircraft battery in Hanoi, which could conceivably have killed a US airman with an untrained operator at the controls, but the closest US soldiers would have been a few hundred miles away, a bit of a stretch even had she fired over level ground. I'm intrigued, though, that you assert that La Fonda was supporting a "kind of evil" (which you distinguish from Penn's pronouncements on behalf of Chavez). Those anti-aircraft guns were, after all, employed for the purely defensive purposes of shooting down bombers which the world's wealthiest, most technologically advanced predatory empire had sent to rain high explosives onto the Vietnamese capital and environs. Was it evil for the Vietnamese to shoot at them?
I do not believe you have thought this through.