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New 'So what if America is the most religious nation?'

Murican, thy True-name is Hypocrite of the cha cha cha variety.

[. . .]

But does professing religious beliefs translate into acting in accord with religious principles? Isn’t behavior the true test? In his New Testament epistle, James expressed the Christian view that “faith without works is dead.” Similarly, Judaism calls for “mitzvahs” — good deeds. And Islam requires acts of charity. Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson offered this challenging formula for sincerity: “Go put your creed into your deed.”

How do creed and deed match up? The 2011 report card for religious America.

More people are slipping into poverty in the United States. The Associated Press recently reported that the U.S. poverty rate rose to a new record of 49.9 million — 16 percent of the U.S. population — based on a more comprehensive Census Bureau measure of poverty. That’s a leap over the 46.2 million previously reported, which was called the highest number in the 52 years the bureau has been publishing figures on poverty.

The number of working poor continues to increase. Today, nearly 1 out of every 3 families in the United States is considered to be “low income” According to the just released 2010-2011 policy brief of the ”Working Poor Families Project” the number of working poor in the United States is higher than ever before seen and “continues to increase at a staggering pace.”

Statistics from the Coalition for the Homeless reveal that 3.5 million Americans are homeless each year with 730,000 homeless on any given night. Of that number, 100,000 are homeless veterans. And children make up 23 percent of the homeless on any given night. Also, 770,000 homeless children are registered in public education systems

In 2009 hunger in the U.S. reached a 14-year high and now, according to Feed America, it’s still increasing at an alarming rate. One in 4 children in the U.S. is living without consistent access to enough nutritious food to live a healthy life.

[. . . . . .]

Yep.. Guns, Galt and Greed long ago replaced those bucolic Three R's of ed-ja-Kay-shun fame..
I hear that Escalades are selling like hotcakes.
Meanwhile the Nintendo Eloi have accomplished total-tuneout of `All, that is !=fantasy.
And so it goes.

What IS that gigantic sucking sound, anyway?

PS: Some 'good' news though:
Via Murica's unseemly/embarrassing Biggest Industry's growth (new prisons everywhere) == also a litmus for the final-stages of disintegration ahead:

Probably this won't improve the nutrition for aforementioned children, but: their parents, now off the street and in a cell - - -

WILL EAT BETTER! Is this a Great Country or What-chachacha?

What Pricks these mortals be
sez the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandniece of Puck.
Collapse Edited by Ashton Jan. 11, 2012, 03:42:16 PM EST
'So what if America is the most religious nation?'

Murican, thy True-name is Hypocrite of the cha cha cha variety.

[. . .]

But does professing religious beliefs translate into acting in accord with religious principles? Isn’t behavior the true test? In his New Testament epistle, James expressed the Christian view that “faith without works is dead.” Similarly, Judaism calls for “mitzvahs” — good deeds. And Islam requires acts of charity. Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson offered this challenging formula for sincerity: “Go put your creed into your deed.”

How do creed and deed match up? The 2011 report card for religious America.

More people are slipping into poverty in the United States. The Associated Press recently reported that the U.S. poverty rate rose to a new record of 49.9 million — 16 percent of the U.S. population — based on a more comprehensive Census Bureau measure of poverty. That’s a leap over the 46.2 million previously reported, which was called the highest number in the 52 years the bureau has been publishing figures on poverty.

The number of working poor continues to increase. Today, nearly 1 out of every 3 families in the United States is considered to be “low income” According to the just released 2010-2011 policy brief of the ”Working Poor Families Project” the number of working poor in the United States is higher than ever before seen and “continues to increase at a staggering pace.”

Statistics from the Coalition for the Homeless reveal that 3.5 million Americans are homeless each year with 730,000 homeless on any given night. Of that number, 100,000 are homeless veterans. And children make up 23 percent of the homeless on any given night. Also, 770,000 homeless children are registered in public education systems

In 2009 hunger in the U.S. reached a 14-year high and now, according to Feed America, it’s still increasing at an alarming rate. One in 4 children in the U.S. is living without consistent access to enough nutritious food to live a healthy life.

[. . . . . .]

Yep.. Guns, Galt and Greed long ago replaced those bucolic Three R's of ed-ja-Kay-shun fame..
I hear that Escalades are selling like hotcakes.
Meanwhile the Nintendo Eloi have accomplished total-tuneout of `All, that is !=fantasy.
And so it goes.

What IS that gigantic sucking sound, anyway?
New Colbert nails it

New Yep, 'the whole hog ... including the postage'
Particularly Love:
If'n ya try to spin that one, it'll be just like impaling self ... at the first Yabut..
New Re: Colbert nails it
I used this on Boxley and... I also saved it and posted it to my FB profile photos.
New so when are you goin to quit eating shrimp?
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New I don't eat...
New bacon then, or mayonaise on yer burger
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Get to your point man.
With full words and complete sentences.
New Obeying dietary rules is the same as Neighbor == Self. :-/
New Ok... more explanation please.
I'm not discounting you words, just that, exactly how is it diets are meaningful to the discussion about the US being a Christian Nation and just plain doesn't want to do what is mandated by Jesus.


Believe me, things have gotten really bad in the poor and needy category in the US. 25% of children don't have a consistent food supply to eat and grow properly.

I know this, my wife and I watch 3 boys (being 1/3rd of our total number of kids) that every time they get watched, they GORGE themselves on food, because its there and because they don't ever know if they are going to have a meal soon. The mother is basically a "non-rule follower" and gets canned or she quits her jobs in two to three weeks. She has had about 40 jobs in the 5 years we have known her. She works in "massage parlors" now after being a stripper for 12 years... the years haven't been kind to her. So her boys suffer because she just doesn't get it. We give to her for her boys... things that can't be "transferred" into cash or "traded" for other stuff.

Its truly amazing at how this "system" Boxley is complaining about contributes to the problems they are trying to fix... and now dis-inventive-izing savings? Forcing them to live like that.

Come the eff on. It forcing a circular pattern that cannot be gotten out of due to regulations now.

Right on man! Lets keep the poor, poor by restricting any "getting out of the gutter" behaviors.
New To be clear...
Too few words are being used in this thread, especially by Box.

I'm not saying that I think that dietary rules are the same as the Golden Rule. I'm not saying that Box believes that either. I was taking Box's comments as a starting point and drawing a reasonable inference.

Lots of people argue that Jesus fulfilled the OT prophecies by throwing out the OT rules, or something, so that the rules in Leviticus don't apply any more. Except when they do. :-/

But, AFAIK, none of the great religious minds these days argues that the 'second greatest commandment' doesn't still apply - http://www.biblegate...36-40&version=KJV - they just ignore it when it's convenient.


New ya'll yank out the pieces you like from the bible and wave
em around to suit your narrow purposes. The minute someone else steps up and mentioned what about these other bits ya'll start whining "that's different" Now Greg, I know you were sloganeering, I just don't like religious sloganeering (unless I am promoting my own view of coarse)
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Awww
I love it when people yank anything out of the bible to argue against the bible.
Like shooting fish in a barrel, not really fair, way too easy, but there you have it.

Any bible (any of them, any edition, and translation), all have the same validity as Dianetics.
New According to who?
cause a great portion of the world don't think so.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
     'So what if America is the most religious nation?' - (Ashton) - (13)
         Colbert nails it - (drook) - (11)
             Yep, 'the whole hog ... including the postage' - (Ashton)
             Re: Colbert nails it - (folkert) - (9)
                 so when are you goin to quit eating shrimp? -NT - (boxley) - (8)
                     I don't eat... - (folkert) - (7)
                         bacon then, or mayonaise on yer burger -NT - (boxley) - (6)
                             Get to your point man. - (folkert) - (5)
                                 Obeying dietary rules is the same as Neighbor == Self. :-/ -NT - (Another Scott) - (4)
                                     Ok... more explanation please. - (folkert) - (3)
                                         To be clear... - (Another Scott)
                                         ya'll yank out the pieces you like from the bible and wave - (boxley) - (1)
                                             Awww - (crazy)
         According to who? - (beepster)

The only time I forgot to breathe I was on LSD, codiene, sangria, and whippets.
62 ms