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New As the linky says, it's not a real force.
"Centrifugal force" is a fictitious force. It's a mathematical construct due to the rotating reference frame.

Gravity is sort-of like an acceleration. When something undergoes a change in vector velocity (a change in speed or a change in direction), then it undergoes an acceleration. But things that are "not moving" are subject to gravity when they're not undergoing a change in vector velocity (i.e. acceleration).

So "centrifugal force" (the force required to bend an object's direction of motion into, e.g., a circle) can be determined using similar mathematics as calculating the force due to gravity, but they're not really "equivalent".

The details involve consideration of "inertial mass" and "gravitational mass" - http://en.wikipedia....ass#Inertial_mass

Clocks slowing down is usually thought of as being a consequence of their relative velocity, not their acceleration. But clocks in different gravity wells do read differently as a consequence of different curvatures of space-time. http://en.wikipedia....iki/Time_dilation

HTH a little.

New I don't think gravity is either
It is also a mathematical construct due to a peculiarity of the reference frame: space-time being warped by the presence of mass.
Badass! (and delicious)
New Touche'. ;-)
New 'Concepts of Force' by Max Jammer

A book somewhere in my basement; it proved TMI: beyond the 'eclectic' in this wetware's curiosity curve, in any event.
Seems that Max had a book in him for bloody-near every physical concept.
New Neat. Thanks for the pointers!
     Is centrifugal force equivelant to gravity? - (crazy) - (7)
         Re: Is centrifugal force equivelant to gravity? - (folkert)
         They're both acceleration based on mass - (jake123)
         As the linky says, it's not a real force. - (Another Scott) - (4)
             I don't think gravity is either - (mhuber) - (1)
                 Touche'. ;-) -NT - (Another Scott)
             'Concepts of Force' by Max Jammer - (Ashton) - (1)
                 Neat. Thanks for the pointers! -NT - (Another Scott)

This theory is not even wrong.
42 ms