Post #350,586
11/14/11 3:58:52 PM
Are American Indians "deviant"?
After all, there are fewer of them than there are gay people, so by your definition they're "deviants".
Or left-handed people. Their numbers are right about even with homosexuality. Is left-handedness now "deviant"?
And by the way ... calling two specific people "deviants", then claiming you meant it in a neutral, clinical sense, is a flaming pile of horse shit.
Post #350,599
11/14/11 4:40:51 PM
It's called English. And I know how to use it.
Post #350,600
11/14/11 4:48:13 PM
Yup. Inflammatorily
You sure do.
Beep's right, even when he's sarcastic.
What boggled you?
Oh, them deviants are on the lose, best we lock down the wimmen and chillun before they infect them!
There is no sexual "norm", only a spectrum, and you fall somewhere in it. So do they. Sexual norms are enforced by those not getting enough. And they want everyone else to suffer with them.
Post #350,602
11/14/11 4:53:19 PM
Um, no.
Is there some dispute that the overwhelming number of humans is heterosexual that I am unaware of? I don't give a flip what anyone does, but calling homosexual behavior normal behavior in humans is insane.
Post #350,606
11/14/11 4:59:17 PM
Re: Um, no.
Its not the use of "normal" getting you in trouble.
Its the use of "deviant" that is getting you in trouble. And not necessarily because its textbook incorrect...its the negative connotation it much as it would be if you used "abnormal" to counter "normal".
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #350,611
11/14/11 5:02:30 PM
Forgive for being "textbook correct". :0)
Post #350,607
11/14/11 5:00:00 PM
Yes, there is a dispute
Sexual preference, as has already been stated in this thread, is a spectrum, not a binary setting. To say that "the overwhelming number of humans is heterosexual" requires that "is heterosexual" is binary: you are or you aren't.
You're going to have to prove that premise before you can argue from it.
Post #350,612
11/14/11 5:04:38 PM
So, your conjecture is...
That it is a minority of human beings who are "purely heterosexual" and have no proclivities for members of their own sex, barn animals, what have you. Is that it?
That's a two-boggle for the price of one.
Post #350,616
11/14/11 5:09:33 PM
Post #350,617
11/14/11 5:10:23 PM
You just put gender preference on the same plane as bestiality. Want to throw in pedophilia and go for the trifecta?
Post #350,619
11/14/11 5:12:53 PM
Consequence of the argument you made.
YOUR claim was that I was wrong to submit that heterosexual behavior was the norm. The point I was making to YOU was that you could throw in every single other type of sexual behavior known among humans and heterosexual behavior WOULD STILL be present in greater numbers than all the rest. Making it the norm. HTH.
Post #350,621
11/14/11 5:14:20 PM
Here, a quiz for you
Post #350,622
11/14/11 5:14:41 PM
Still framing it as "behavior" ... still wrong
Post #350,624
11/14/11 5:16:38 PM
The existence of the species tells me I'm right.
Post #350,626
11/14/11 5:20:06 PM
Go read my book quote
and you know you'd be wrong since heterosexuality has nothing to do with the furthering of the species.
Post #350,632
11/14/11 5:39:41 PM
Re: Go read my book quote
Now you're "over-smarting"..same as that piece.
At is most basic, sex is all about procreation. The problem is, it feels good ;-)
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #350,634
11/14/11 5:58:52 PM
Easy googleable targets get knocked down
Post #350,605
11/14/11 4:57:20 PM
Re: Yup. Inflammatorily
Deviant is the wrong word, most definitely.
However, in its most basic sense, "normal" is in play. However, mind you, seeing girls kiss, for me, is "normal". Hang out in Europe. Its not a gay thing, or a hetero just is. Not so much for guys, where its the handshake.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #350,608
11/14/11 5:00:45 PM
How is "deviant" not appropriate?
deviating especially from an accepted norm <deviant behavior>
Post #350,610
11/14/11 5:02:07 PM
see my other post.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #350,620
11/14/11 5:13:40 PM
You want "heterosexual" to be an absolute so that you can say the opposite is "deviant", yet your own chosen definition depends on "accepted". Accepted by whom?
Post #350,670
11/15/11 8:31:18 AM
The species. HTH.
Post #350,672
11/15/11 8:34:40 AM
You asked it?