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New Absolutely.
A democrat was sucking on the war tit for a wad of cash. In the scope of biowar materials it was as plausible as anything else, considering that the whole war was a farce, except for those that got killed, mutilated, displaced, or shortchanged on a contract. Money knows no party line and acknowledges no casualties. So?

Obama is enabling a grifter to prolong the payments. So? We already know he is a war criminal who has used the constitution for toilet paper. We also know that he couldn't be more of a corporate whore or bankers bitch if he had their corporate logos tattooed on his ass. What's the point of picking on a little petty larceny? Just to show how cheaply he can be bought? You just want to show how icky "our" guy is? He stopped being "our" guy after he betrayed his base. I fail to see what your point is.
New Hmm
tell that to the "others".
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
New I still fail to see your point.
Yes, Obama is fairly rotten and has regrettably few redeeming qualities. It is unfortunate but we have him for another year. At the time I, and likely the "others", voted for him, felt that he was the best of a very bad lot. Some of his behavior was to be expected to some degree; you can't pick up a turd by the clean end. I don't think anybody could have guessed just how rotten he could be, but that's a different thread to follow at some never time.

In this thread, you pick a fairly trivial case where somebody may have overstated the bio-warfare angle to pad their wallet and was supported by Obama drones. In the scope of war payoffs, this is no more than a tip to the valet parking runner and there may have been some merit to the research in the first place. It is impossible to say what one of his opponents would have enabled given the chance, but my imagination would not be kind to them. Doesn't matter; they didn't get the choice. and I'm grateful for that...

So what is you point? Are you arguing that those of us who voted for Obama, really, really wanted a spineless, two faced, treacherous shit weasel for a representative? Could you be arguing that his opposition was of such sterling character that this kind of supporter pay off that was epitomized by the opposition during the Iraq ramp up could never happen? Or could you just have been posting some trivial bullshit so you could snark about what an icky person "our" guy is. Nah. Not you...

New Beep's point: They're all the same, but Obama's worse. HTH.
New What, trollery?! Say it's not so!
Actually, that would have been my first guess. I'm just killing time until my surgery date. I'm not taking anything to seriously for a while.
New Levity is good. :-) Best of luck!
New Drum: Fine, Obama sucks. But who did better?


New see?
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
New If you want to have a discussion, let me know.
     Politics as usual - (beepster) - (11)
         Absolutely. - (hnick) - (8)
             Hmm - (beepster) - (4)
                 I still fail to see your point. - (hnick) - (3)
                     Beep's point: They're all the same, but Obama's worse. HTH. -NT - (Another Scott) - (2)
                         What, trollery?! Say it's not so! - (hnick) - (1)
                             Levity is good. :-) Best of luck! -NT - (Another Scott)
             Drum: Fine, Obama sucks. But who did better? - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 see? -NT - (beepster) - (1)
                     If you want to have a discussion, let me know. -NT - (Another Scott)
         Yer kidding right? - (S1mon_Jester)
         no thats hope and change - (boxley)

Yeah, baby!
50 ms