Hypocrisy. Religion, drug use - are comparable in numbers of practitioners (?) Most religions preach reasonably er 'sane' approaches to the vicissitudes of life: note the % of 'believers' who aren't so good at acting out those beliefs.
Ditto re drugs: moderation.. that idea overlaps both categories also.
But The Law has a rilly bad time with the concept of 'moderation', y'know? (A microgram of an Evul substance in that spectrophotometer search of your car: is admissible as "something").
Be nice if the Catholic Church would spend as much energy and emotion in support of such simple ideas as - Not sending folks to jail for 30+ years for marijuana usage - as they spend trying to torpedo globally: even birth control! (never mind abortion even). Oh, as to hypocrisy - haven't seen numbers lately of the % of Catholics using birth control. Either. Nothing IS simple, is it?
And so it goes. Drugs, religion, sex - homo-sap be the Kwaziest species yet! (far as we know, o'course ;-)