Cackle.. Cackle.. :-\ufffd
Yeah.. feel ~ same way about 'stuff I know better than to ___'
(And Oneself can be a more daunting figure than ol' John Paul.. though maybe not so daunting as to - make the next faux pas ?? - in front of, John XXIII !)
PS - did 'we' all ever get That situation sorted out for all time? I read some books, but of course the real actors aren't talking. As usual. Likely never will - even in the archives?
I tended to think of him as the kinda guy depicted by - sadly, the now late :[ - Anthony Quinn in, Shoes of the Fisherman. Was he just too bloody Good to survive the bureaucracy. For long enough.. ?? {sigh}
(..only rarely present, as Ashton is somehow eluding.. er doing Good and stuff ;-)