I don't believe anyone should be proud of ANYTHING they are born into.
Pride is self generating based on accomplishments.

But I do agree on the IN YOUR FACE issue. Not directly 6 inches away. But still, yelling from a parade that one more try to harm them will result in a MASS of people fighting back gives attackers pause.

And if it doesn't give them pause, at least the attackers will get a hell of a beating.

At the parade and elsewhere. If you think it provokes it (like marching season in Ireland), then you've never been the underdog that had to group together to survive.

It is a group binding mentality, and they NEED it to survive individually. Every right wing vote brings them closer to Uganda.


Don't forget that whole movement was funded and directed by Christian crazies in the US. Don't bother telling me they revoked it, so what, it merely means the general population still has to kill them rather than ask the courts to do it for them.

You really have no idea of the depth of fear for them. And let's face it, once they come for them, they'll come for me soon enough.

So I'm not shutting up.