Local matters were dealt with by the feudal courts, which were eventually eclipsed by the popularity and expansion of the royal courts.The extent to which judges drew upon the Roman Law and Civil Law during the formative years of the common law is unclear.
She goes on to state that because they were trained at schools that taught Roman law there must have been influences. Oh and they used Roman terms (actually they still use Latin).
One writer suggests that the early royal judges made new laws Âout of necessityÂ, reshaping local customs, Roman Law and Civil Law principles to fit around the forms of action that were used in the courts. The courts never
revealed the origins of these customs and principles. Instead, the doctrines of precedent and stare decisis as well as the fiction that judges merely declare the law ensured that their decisions would be presented as the product of reason.
I'll grant you that our legal system (both criminal and civil) still uses Latin.