The gob community is on him for this. Using these methods. They are currently finding it acceptable. Why?
You do realize that "outing" has been a long practice WITHIN the glb community, right?
Mr. Rocheford said the magazine, with about 130,000 readers, has a policy against Âouting homosexuals. ÂOne exception to the rule is a public figure who makes public pronouncements against the gay community and is in fact a homosexual, he said, noting that this was the only time he had invoked that exception.
Probably the best known example would the magazine OUTWEEK and the movie OUTRAGE. They (in particular Gabriel Rotello, the editor for OUTWEEK) was known for outing celebrity homosexuals, particularly when the subject is actively opposing gay rights and interests.
To quote Peter Tatchell
Lesbians and gay men have a right, and a duty, to expose hypocrites and homophobes. By not outing gay Bishops who support policies which harm homosexuals, we would be protecting those Bishops and thereby allowing them to continue to inflict suffering on members of our community. Collusion with hypocrisy and homophobia is not ethically defensible for Christians, or for anyone else.
Certainly the entirely gay and lesbian community isn't a united front on this. Christopher Barron of the Log Cabin Republicans (a glb group) disagree with outing, but it's been a practice going back almost 30 years.
It certainly isn't something that was invented just for Michelle Bachmann's husband.
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