Post #348,347
9/29/11 11:13:56 PM
9/29/11 11:21:02 PM

Interesting side track
Did you hope to trip me up with some specifically against christians?
Some day you will realize they are ALL bullshit, rather than all BUT the particular one you were brought up with. It's just so amazing that with all the crazy fuckers spouting prophecies, and all of them just so stupid, and some people fell for (or were tortured into accepting) a particular line of bullshit, that you magically were born into the right one. The one that makes sense.
Does not pass the laugh test.
And until then, you will think those of us who simply accept that not just 99% of religions, but all of them are bullshit, are gunning for YOURS.
You're not that special, only a soft target.

Edited by crazy
Sept. 29, 2011, 11:21:02 PM EDT
Post #348,362
9/30/11 8:47:25 AM

You disavow your own arguments so easily
All this intolerance after pope driven catholics kill the opposition...your statement. Islam, far from pope driven catholicism also is intolerant.
So now you shift to the "
They're all bullshit" tack.
That's all well and good.
But now, back to my initial point, you seem to want to fight this battle against a mid 90s percent of humanity, using language that has significance the their core beliefs..with the attitude that oozes from your every post on this subject...and you think that it should magically happen without a fight, cause shit, after all, the Romans did it in 200 bc?
And because I've suggested that for legal equality you need a clear legal term separate from one so mired in religious baggage you have gone on this little tear very thinly patching together some very insulting accusations about what must be my deep inner feelings (one post saying you doesn't mean you ain't cutting it bub) ... All because religion is tied to the issue. Thank you for proving my point.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,375
9/30/11 10:21:59 AM
9/30/11 10:29:04 AM

I do not need to tolerate it.
I can be intolerant.
And I can choose not to tolerate others of a group that have historically caused me harm (yes ME dammit), when they are proceeding in that direction again.
You finally got it.
Oh, a tiny bit, of course, because it raised your hackles.
one more time.
I am not a politician. I am never going for office. Commenting
on the awfulness of a way something is said does NOTHING to address
what is said. You are merely acting like a whining subgroup.
And for this group of people, I don't see a reason to couch it in
The only thing I see coming out of this discussion is 1 or 2 people
doing a drive by read. It'll piss off the believers, and
the few that look around and say SHIT, I might have been lied
to about EVERYTHING, but they only admitted to Santa Clause,
and having a serious depressed moment.
And then getting on with their life with their eyes open.
But you? No. People like you? No.
I like you. You are awesomely smart. You are educated. You are generally a very nice kind giving person. I patterned my attitude about how family life should be after watching you, your wife, and your kids. Really, mine was FUCKED, and you showed love and acceptance. It was great.
Please understand what you see as a personal attack is about as far as this can get. This is the same spiel I have been giving my VERY catholic daughter for years.
And I love her.
Take care
Also (here's the edit), look into the nocebo effect. Religion works via placebo and nocebo, but the nocebo is a straight trip to hell for most of them when you don't do what you're told. And enough people believe so it causes real pain in daily decisions.

Edited by crazy
Sept. 30, 2011, 10:29:04 AM EDT
Post #348,377
9/30/11 10:29:44 AM

to what point and to what end
this entire thread, which you, in the end, agreed with >me< on, was simply just so you could bullshit pulpit about your particular brand of non religion by assuming a set of beliefs for me (which aren't) and then launching a bunch of personal attacks against it (oh, sorry, you never really meant you).
Frankly, you're better than that.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,379
9/30/11 10:37:45 AM
9/30/11 10:41:27 AM

No, I'm not
I'm not "better" than that.
I'm expressing a variety of viewpoints that my attitude is based on. It has evolved pretty dramatically over the years, and I accept that there might be something else out there.
But extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, not faith.
You've heard me spiel enough before, but NEVER in front of your family.
That would be wrong. I'm better than "that".
On the other hand if your kids reads this some day, and this discussion causes him to question his faith, that would REALLY make you unhappy. Right?
Oh, BTW: Religion stole both freedom of choice and love. I want them back. And it can only be done by informing the next generation. This is a long term project.

Edited by crazy
Sept. 30, 2011, 10:41:27 AM EDT
Post #348,383
9/30/11 10:49:32 AM

Wrong, and there you go again
assuming a set of beliefs onto me that just aren't there.
Faith is personal. If my children question it, then they are doing the right thing, for themselves, and I would be anything BUT unhappy.
This has already happened.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,385
9/30/11 10:50:55 AM

But my question to you is why did you program something into them that questioning makes you happy?
Post #348,389
9/30/11 11:00:59 AM

its societal...unless you're suggesting that I somehow wronged my children by not locking them in the basement.
And, btw..this is it. I'm done here.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,391
9/30/11 11:03:39 AM
9/30/11 11:36:55 AM

I had the same decision
When the boy when to his 1st class when he was around 6 years old.
Religious training.
Yes, I know the teacher is spouting bullshit.
Your job is to NOT argue with her.
She believes, and we know better, but you
are not allowed to argue with the teacher.
You are capable of cultural transmission without lying to your kids.
At least I was.
And now you have another chance.
How's the grandkids? Pushing a parent to utilize the local religious school / daycare?
And so it happens again. Will you be telling the next generation the truth?
And an additional note: I obviously spend a lot of time trying to figure out motivations. Mine 1st, then others. And I toss them out to see which ones get a response, which in turn allows me to focus my thoughts.
This really upset you. Adversarial interaction in the forum means personal stuff. What things in your (or anyones else's life) got them to this point that they say and think these things.
Whenever it hits that, it's bibi for you.
But this discussion is about deeply personal things. It started there. You attempted to couch it in the vast legal framework that may or may not be applied into the situation. But you don't consider the initial goal one that is ever gonna happen, so you are guiding accordingly.
You often say I (and others) have no clue why you think these things. And we should stop bothering to dig. And then you say I'm full of shit when I write in that direction.
Pick one or the other. Engage and give reason why you think certain ways (even when personal), or realize that we only have your writing to choose from. And we make our judgments. Feel free to correct them with real information.
Or if TOO personal, realize that your lack of serious input is noted.
Also, the things we choose not to discuss are the thing we usually aren't very proud of. Are you not proud of your method of cultural transmission, even if you are NOT a believer (which is where this seems to be going but I'm not supposed to ask)?

Edited by crazy
Sept. 30, 2011, 11:20:40 AM EDT

Edited by crazy
Sept. 30, 2011, 11:33:18 AM EDT

Edited by crazy
Sept. 30, 2011, 11:36:55 AM EDT