Post #348,307
9/29/11 12:03:48 PM

Re: Well, a little off there...
We wouldn't even know who this guy was if it weren't for his wife.
Who his wife is has everything to do with it.
And I'm NOT saying that he doesn't deserve criticism. He absolutely does. Its the direction by which it is being done which I find ironic. Stories published about how he sets of peoples "gaydar" and when he opens his mouth, Prada bags fall out. Etc. This is coming from the community that wants talk like that to stop. That makes it ironic, by my definition.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,312
9/29/11 12:24:09 PM

I like irony. I'm ok with that
On the otherhand, some of you may remember meeting a guy at my wedding, initials MH.
I have old stories about playing with his head, focused on sexuality. He sounds and acts gay.
It is pretty simple.
We are KEYED to pick up on sexual characteristics and mannerisms. It's core to our ability to go find a mate and produce offspring, pretty much what MOST of us are biologically programmed to do.
M is married and very unhappy at the thought of his sexuality coming into question.
So that's the fun of it.
Hey, I hung out at the PA ballet for a long time. I spent years at the RHPS. My X-BIL is VERY gay (and I got along with him much better than I did with my wife, and that was even in the early (good?) years of my marriage). I'm ok with pretty much all the spectrum of sexuality as long as it is consensual, but importantly, I know my opinion simply doesn't matter to anyone living that difficult life, nor should it.
Post #348,392
9/30/11 11:03:46 AM

Really, you haven't heard of Richard Cohen?
Richard Cohen, the author of Coming Out Straight.
Let's go back 10 years - perhaps you've heard of Dr. Spitzer?
Lots of history of this - perhaps you're just hearing about this because of who he's married to.
Post #348,394
9/30/11 11:09:34 AM

ok, I you wouldn't know who this guy was until he was lampooned on the Daily Show.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,395
9/30/11 11:12:50 AM

Your complaint was that Bachmann was being unfairly treated: that they were lampooning and questioning her husband's activities.
I have pointed out:
1) He's taking tax payer dollars. (Legitimate target)
2) He chose to be in this business
3) Others have been lampooned for the same activity.
Your argument has no merit.
Post #348,396
9/30/11 11:22:26 AM

"Your complaint was that Bachmann was being unfairly treated"
Go back and read.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,399
9/30/11 11:37:50 AM

My apologies - your argument was that
Okee doke. Just find it ironic that those preaching about being more tolerant are out in public saying "
listen to the way he talks, look at they way he walks...he Is so gay" and the only reason it's acceptable now is because hes a candidates husband and she is anti gay marriage.
Are you arguing my proof doesn't disprove your claim?
Again - I have show others who are lampooned who aren't candidates husbands.
Post #348,402
9/30/11 11:43:37 AM

He doesn't do that
He can't go back and prove you wrong.
He's not dumb.
He's just painted himself into a corner.
But he'll say you are being mean, that you can depend on.
Post #348,409
9/30/11 12:16:33 PM
9/30/11 12:20:33 PM

Ask youself
Acceptable to whom?
The glb community is outing him. Using these methods. They are currently finding it acceptable. Why?
I have stated, clearly, that he deserves criticism for his views. But he is being "outed" as well in a way I find ironic, for reasons stated above.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.

Edited by beepster
Sept. 30, 2011, 12:20:33 PM EDT
Post #348,449
9/30/11 4:53:47 PM

Apparently not acceptable to you...
The gob community is on him for this. Using these methods. They are currently finding it acceptable. Why?
You do realize that "outing" has been a long practice WITHIN the glb community, right?
Mr. Rocheford said the magazine, with about 130,000 readers, has a policy against Âouting homosexuals. ÂOne exception to the rule is a public figure who makes public pronouncements against the gay community and is in fact a homosexual, he said, noting that this was the only time he had invoked that exception.
Probably the best known example would the magazine OUTWEEK and the movie OUTRAGE. They (in particular Gabriel Rotello, the editor for OUTWEEK) was known for outing celebrity homosexuals, particularly when the subject is actively opposing gay rights and interests.
To quote Peter Tatchell
Lesbians and gay men have a right, and a duty, to expose hypocrites and homophobes. By not outing gay Bishops who support policies which harm homosexuals, we would be protecting those Bishops and thereby allowing them to continue to inflict suffering on members of our community. Collusion with hypocrisy and homophobia is not ethically defensible for Christians, or for anyone else.
Certainly the entirely gay and lesbian community isn't a united front on this. Christopher Barron of the Log Cabin Republicans (a glb group) disagree with outing, but it's been a practice going back almost 30 years.
It certainly isn't something that was invented just for Michelle Bachmann's husband.
(Want to try again?)
Post #348,455
9/30/11 6:38:52 PM

Well then,
I certainly wasn't aware it was a duty. And I guess my friends and family in the community are not followers of that gentleman.
Score one for simon
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,458
9/30/11 6:48:08 PM

Tough when you don't understand the culture
Post #348,460
9/30/11 6:56:52 PM

You proven only one thing here
That you know shit about me.
And yes, it's gone personal. You've reached kms status.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,468
9/30/11 8:18:16 PM
9/30/11 8:25:34 PM

Such a surprise
I was talking to a coworker this evening.
She said she just got an email from her sister out west.
She gets them all the time.
They start with how much danger they are in, and if they only voted the safe choice, they could stop worrying.
They always throw urban legends that are easily disprovable via snopes.
She asked me how to deal with it. I told her to drop it, ignore it, there was nothing to be done and she'd only break her sister and destroy any relationship she had with her.
The ONLY time you engage in a religious discussion is if you are willing to rip out the fabric of the reality of the person you are talking to. It can shatter them. Don't do it.
Of COURSE I knew it hit that.
Except I ain't going anywhere, I'm not KMS, and I'm not pissed (or even pissy).
It's part of the process.
Also, if I know shit, how can it be personal?
It can't be. It has to be generic.
If you take it personally, then it must mean I've struck a nerve.
Pretty cool how that works out.

Edited by crazy
Sept. 30, 2011, 08:25:34 PM EDT
Post #348,472
9/30/11 8:31:55 PM

You had an argument with yourself
On positions you assumed..not mine. Then you took those assumed positions and attacked me with them...and brought in my family..all based on positions I don't hold.
You ripped up no reality of mine. You ripped up a fiction of your own invention. But you crossed a line while doing it...
You might not be. I, however, am
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.