Post #348,290
9/29/11 9:34:47 AM

Well then
1) don't assume their views are mine, they're not. I support civil unions. I just don't call it marriage. This way, I'm choosing not to try and change thousands of years of cultural and religious beliefs, I'm simply trying to get equal treatment under the law. Got it? Good.
2) you still miss the basic point..that gay supporters and openly gay people, who always complain about being stereotyped are using those very stereotypes to accuse the husband, NOT THE CANDIDATE, of being in the closet.
3) his "barbarians" statement deserves to be ridiculed, and is.
4) your attitude fits well with the opposing antigay community as well...and I'm sure if given the opportunity, the group you support so vehemently here would not appreciate the broom handle reference. Just sayin.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,293
9/29/11 9:58:41 AM

You don't get to own the word.
1) don't assume their views are mine, they're not. I support civil unions. I just don't call it marriage.
Guess what? You support their views. You just couch it in gentler terms. You see the ability to judge what you support is based on outsiders seeing you support it. Not what you say. I don't need to convince you. I don't expect to. But I won't leave your statements alone, too harmful to too many people. Those that stay silent when others are persecuted are complicit. I'd prefer not to be.
This way, I'm choosing not to try and change thousands of years of cultural and religious beliefs, I'm simply trying to get equal treatment under the law. Got it? Good.
Nope. Already stated why.
2) you still miss the basic point..that gay supporters and openly gay people, who always complain about being stereotyped are using those very stereotypes to accuse the husband, NOT THE CANDIDATE, of being in the closet.
Hehehehehehehehehehe. Ok. I understand. Really. I'm supporting their use of it.
Got it? This guy has caused enough damage to enough people, public life or not, that he has put himself in the cross-hairs (Palinism here).
3) his "barbarians" statement deserves to be ridiculed, and is.
Please point it out, missed this so I don't understand the reference.
4) your attitude fits well with the opposing antigay community as well...and I'm sure if given the opportunity, the group you support so vehemently here would not appreciate the broom handle reference. Just sayin.
I'm not trolling for support. I don't care if a violent reaction fits in to a community that is starting violence. Non-violent resistance does NOT work, at least not fast enough, and who the fuck wants to put up with rednecks dragging gays from their pickup trucks just so some idiot can claim a higher moral ground. Does not matter.
Some people only understand pain. When brought up under fire and brimstone, it seems it is the only thing.
Post #348,299
9/29/11 10:45:31 AM

My statements?
please enlighten. I don't believe I've made any statements here.
As to civil union vs marriage. Very simple. WHAT IS THE GOAL?
I believe the GLB community's goal to be equal treatment under the law to those who are "married". What is the path of least resistance to meet that goal? Try and change thousands of years of culture and history by re-defining a word? Hardly think so.
Words >do< matter to people..but the word "marriage" has nothing to do with the goal.
There is something "harmful" here?
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,308
9/29/11 12:07:20 PM

Path of least resistance?
What is the path of least resistance to meet that goal?
You mean how can you guide them to an answer the is allowable based on how much resistance you put before them?
No picking and choosing on which pieces of marriage fit in YOUR definition and then can be shoe-horned in civil union.
I don't care what the piece by piece argument is. It is a stupid trap. It is one of definition.
But for you, sure, Here:
Every use of the word marriage, married, and spouse in public life, EVERY, that is not directly part of a church gets applied. Laws, insurance policies, wills, medical access, death benefits, housing access, transportation (as a couple, someone doesn't like them snuggling in their seats can just fuck off, the heterosexual couple is snuggling down the way without any hassles), EVERYTHING.
If a store such as Chick Filet (a christian organization) offers ANY benefits using this terminology, they have to offer it to gay couples as well.
Am I clear enough on this point?
Post #348,311
9/29/11 12:17:20 PM

Hmm. You appear to not be paying attention.
I didn't say anything about "pieces of marriage"...I said EQUAL TREATMENT UNDER LAW. I don't believe that to be even remotely ambiguous, nor a "trap", nor an attempt to guide.
Your entire list applies. Is it that hard to understand?
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,313
9/29/11 12:30:25 PM

2 people in love. Committing their souls to each other for all eternity. Publicly. Before their family and peers. Within whatever religion chooses to marry them. And NO contract, no rule, no agreement that either of them has made needs to be reviewed. They know they are safe.
Civil union: The local bureaucrat stamps the paper that says most of the rules apply to them, but get back to him when it doesn't work out. But make sure you've got the lawyers prepaid, because you are in for a ride.
No thanks.
Separate but equal is an oxymoron. Tell that to the blacks during Jim Crow.
Post #348,315
9/29/11 12:37:53 PM

Can't believe this
you are arguing AGAINST separation of church and state here.
I am arguing specifically for it.
Everything you wanted in your list is "civil"...protections by law.
Everything in your post supports MY argument. a complete separate of "marriage" from the law that applies to "civil unions"
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,344
9/29/11 10:32:02 PM

And neither does anyone else
Because the offer of civil unions is a red herring to avoid giving them what they want.
Because YOU equate marriage with YOUR (or any other of the popular "current") religions, and they pretty much feel GOD HATES FAGS (and shrimp, too).
But I don't.
So your statement concerning separation of church and state and your belief that I'm arguing against that missed the core piece.
Marriage is not a religious issue. It is a personal issue between 2 people.
You (your culture) does not get to take away something and graciously offer to give it back, with a different name. It existed before your culture did, and will exist long after your culture is gone.
Not yours to take, not yours to give.
It's a generic fuck-off feeling here. You assume some level of power here. Maybe because you are so tolerant of others and feel they should appreciate your kindness toward them.
Post #348,360
9/30/11 8:31:38 AM

Sure appears that way
You want legal protection for a personal/religious choice of 2 committed persons...and you appear to want it without a clear legal definition.
In will ignore the various bullshit accusations thrown in your post .. Because simply all of those YOU statements about equating marriage and such are accusatory to me, and simply wrong.
No one is offering to take something away and give it back you idiot. The law in current form is based on the religious culture in which it was written. You know, the one that you say was stolen from you...etc.
And I assume no level of power...I know the basis of our legal code and know that to solve this issue requires a legal definition separate from one so entwined by the majority to a religion.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,378
9/30/11 10:30:20 AM

Ah, me idiot
It's ok beep. But, really, read the whole thread again.
Post #348,381
9/30/11 10:41:47 AM

I don't need to re-read
your completely ignoring the basis of the laws in this country being attached to those religious beliefs you obviously don't share.
Willful ignorance or idiocy. You choose.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,397
9/30/11 11:26:10 AM

Hmm, I thought our laws were dervied from English common law
At both the federal and state levels, the law of the United States was originally largely derived from the common law system of English law, which was in force at the time of the Revolutionary War.
I don't see anything about our laws being attached to religious beliefs there.
Post #348,398
9/30/11 11:33:51 AM

dig deeper
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,400
9/30/11 11:40:07 AM

I think I can make the argument
that Canon Law is the reason behind the 1st Amendment.
Post #348,401
9/30/11 11:41:32 AM

And Beep would probably like it revoked.
Only when people are insulting religion, of course.
Post #348,404
9/30/11 12:09:39 PM

Know what.
Fuck you. Full stop.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,408
9/30/11 12:16:05 PM

Very good example
I say something insulting (as considered by some, a perfectly reasonable observation to others), I get a demand to stop, using directed profanity.
I think we are pretty clear this point has been proven.
Hey Beep: I'll fight for your right to continue to insult me.
Something tells me you don't agree with that attitude.
Post #348,410
9/30/11 12:18:28 PM

Of what, exactly.
Your ability to assume a position for me and insult me, directly?
Barry, we are done here.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,412
9/30/11 12:22:36 PM

If you say so
But again and again, either an insult of association fits or it doesn't.
Either prove the accusation wrong or say openly they fucked up. Don't defend where we are simply because it's been that way long enough, and the rest of us need to put up with it, or follow YOUR path to fix it.
Oh, actually, here the core phrase.
But once you do that, you now have to deal with NOT fixing it.
And that hurts you.
Post #348,414
9/30/11 12:34:57 PM

There's an accusation now?
Why don't you make up my response, too.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,456
9/30/11 6:44:22 PM

But I know when to stop.
You've displayed enough to be obvious.
Don't peel away the layers, danger there.
Of course, when the same silly argument pops up in the future, I'll slap it down.
Unless admin tells me otherwise, or until enough people I respect (you know, the rational kind as well as willing to actually tell their kids the truth) tell me to stop.
Post #348,411
9/30/11 12:18:34 PM

Hey, I'm a canon law scholar now, yay
My area of interest would be in punishment for Blasphemy of course.
Happy reading!
Post #348,405
9/30/11 12:12:20 PM

That would all be well and good.
But it wouldn't make a difference. If the basis of common law is canon law, which it is, it's too ingrained.
And I would also reply in retort that the church of england, and not canon law, was the reason for the first amendment.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,452
9/30/11 5:20:53 PM

Not sure it is.
What began with rules ("canons") adopted by the Apostles at the Council of Jerusalem in the first century has developed into a highly complex legal system encapsulating not just norms of the New Testament, but some elements of the Hebrew (Old Testament), Roman, Visigothic, Saxon, and Celtic legal traditions.
In the Roman Church, positive ecclesiastical laws, based upon either immutable divine and natural law, or changeable circumstantial and merely positive law, derive formal authority and promulgation from the office of pope, who as Supreme Pontiff possesses the totality of legislative, executive, and judicial power in his person. The actual subject material of the canons is not just doctrinal or moral in nature, but indeed all-encompassing of the human condition.
While the original rules included those traditional elements above, the Canon law as a whole dictates what is acceptable and what is not. (Thus the term Canon)
Common Law does not have "rules". In fact, the entire composition of Common law is based on "what has been decided before", particularly in civil suits. It's not because someone (or some God) decreed what is the ideal, but rather it's because this case is similar to the case last year. ie: stare decisis
In fact...if you go back to Henry II (birthplace of Common Law) you'll see that there was a huge fight between the law of the King (Common) vs Church Law (canon).
Post #348,453
9/30/11 5:26:19 PM

Thank you.
Post #348,457
9/30/11 6:47:33 PM

Re: Not sure it is.
It's in there.
Roman and canon law were used to fill gaps while common law was emerging.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,463
9/30/11 7:48:38 PM

Actually, if you read carefully...
Local matters were dealt with by the feudal courts, which were eventually eclipsed by the popularity and expansion of the royal courts.The extent to which judges drew upon the Roman Law and Civil Law during the formative years of the common law is unclear.
She goes on to state that because they were trained at schools that taught Roman law there must have been influences. Oh and they used Roman terms (actually they still use Latin).
One writer suggests that the early royal judges made new laws Âout of necessityÂ, reshaping local customs, Roman Law and Civil Law principles to fit around the forms of action that were used in the courts. The courts never
revealed the origins of these customs and principles. Instead, the doctrines of precedent and stare decisis as well as the fiction that judges merely declare the law ensured that their decisions would be presented as the product of reason.
I'll grant you that our legal system (both criminal and civil) still uses Latin.
Post #348,470
9/30/11 8:22:49 PM

Can't cut and paste from pdf
First paragraph page 82
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,528
10/1/11 10:10:29 PM

Here is your quote.
The ecclesiastical courts applied the canon law, a subcategory of the Civil Law as defined. These courts dealt with the clergy and personal matters including matrimony and probate. While the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts was eventually transferred to the common law courts in the 19th century, the canon law influenced equity before then,which, in turn, later became a part of the Common Law.
A few thoughts.
1) Roman Law != Canon Law.
2) I am not willing to concede that Canon Law is the basis of Common Law. I will, however, concede that Canon Law influenced Common Law. (Canon law include laws of matrimony and probate after all, and these areas were originally outside the King's dominion.
However, influence is slippery term. Certainly Canon Law influenced Henry VIII decision - but I'm not sure I'd argue that that they were based of Canon Law. :-)
Post #348,529
10/1/11 10:57:24 PM

My first post was too broad, should have.said canon law was influential, but not "the" basis. In the areas under discussion in this thread, it was the basis...but not overall.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,295
9/29/11 10:12:33 AM

Also, you STOLE the word and the concept
So f'off when you claim you are trying to protect something of historical and cultural significance from being corrupted.
Post #348,300
9/29/11 10:47:46 AM

>I< didn't do anything
and >you< posted something that vanished as a limited practice in the 3rd century.
Try harder.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,304
9/29/11 11:52:19 AM

Sure, when your people killed off the competition
Just like the 1st drug war, killing off the competition is the way of the crusades.
Whenever I say your people, it is simply ANYONE associated with Pope driven Catholicism and most of the other Jesus based cults that look around and try to tell others what do do, and often use force to make it happen. I'm pretty sure that is your culture, it sure as hell seems to direct any of your non-financial non-personal (your own, not others) freedom issues.
So please don't tell me because disappeared when your cultural ancestors killed off most of the practitioners that it is irrelevant. It is even MORE so at that point.
Post #348,306
9/29/11 11:59:48 AM

You mean, like Islam?
your "you people" would have to include them also.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,309
9/29/11 12:10:39 PM

Islam is based on your cult as reinterpreted by a whack job pedophile warlord, which was based on my cult with a total rewrite on pretty much everything, possibly based on Jesus, but mostly nothing more than a bunch of political deals to keep people in power.
Still yours.
Post #348,319
9/29/11 5:04:59 PM

Islam is based on your cult as reinterpreted by a whack job pedophile warlord, which was based on my cult with a total rewrite on pretty much everything, possibly based on Jesus, but mostly nothing more than a bunch of political deals to keep people in power. Not particularly pithy, and perhaps a little dodgy in terms of religious scholarship, but a worthy entry nevertheless.
Post #348,347
9/29/11 11:13:56 PM
9/29/11 11:21:02 PM

Interesting side track
Did you hope to trip me up with some specifically against christians?
Some day you will realize they are ALL bullshit, rather than all BUT the particular one you were brought up with. It's just so amazing that with all the crazy fuckers spouting prophecies, and all of them just so stupid, and some people fell for (or were tortured into accepting) a particular line of bullshit, that you magically were born into the right one. The one that makes sense.
Does not pass the laugh test.
And until then, you will think those of us who simply accept that not just 99% of religions, but all of them are bullshit, are gunning for YOURS.
You're not that special, only a soft target.

Edited by crazy
Sept. 29, 2011, 11:21:02 PM EDT
Post #348,362
9/30/11 8:47:25 AM

You disavow your own arguments so easily
All this intolerance after pope driven catholics kill the opposition...your statement. Islam, far from pope driven catholicism also is intolerant.
So now you shift to the "
They're all bullshit" tack.
That's all well and good.
But now, back to my initial point, you seem to want to fight this battle against a mid 90s percent of humanity, using language that has significance the their core beliefs..with the attitude that oozes from your every post on this subject...and you think that it should magically happen without a fight, cause shit, after all, the Romans did it in 200 bc?
And because I've suggested that for legal equality you need a clear legal term separate from one so mired in religious baggage you have gone on this little tear very thinly patching together some very insulting accusations about what must be my deep inner feelings (one post saying you doesn't mean you ain't cutting it bub) ... All because religion is tied to the issue. Thank you for proving my point.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,375
9/30/11 10:21:59 AM
9/30/11 10:29:04 AM

I do not need to tolerate it.
I can be intolerant.
And I can choose not to tolerate others of a group that have historically caused me harm (yes ME dammit), when they are proceeding in that direction again.
You finally got it.
Oh, a tiny bit, of course, because it raised your hackles.
one more time.
I am not a politician. I am never going for office. Commenting
on the awfulness of a way something is said does NOTHING to address
what is said. You are merely acting like a whining subgroup.
And for this group of people, I don't see a reason to couch it in
The only thing I see coming out of this discussion is 1 or 2 people
doing a drive by read. It'll piss off the believers, and
the few that look around and say SHIT, I might have been lied
to about EVERYTHING, but they only admitted to Santa Clause,
and having a serious depressed moment.
And then getting on with their life with their eyes open.
But you? No. People like you? No.
I like you. You are awesomely smart. You are educated. You are generally a very nice kind giving person. I patterned my attitude about how family life should be after watching you, your wife, and your kids. Really, mine was FUCKED, and you showed love and acceptance. It was great.
Please understand what you see as a personal attack is about as far as this can get. This is the same spiel I have been giving my VERY catholic daughter for years.
And I love her.
Take care
Also (here's the edit), look into the nocebo effect. Religion works via placebo and nocebo, but the nocebo is a straight trip to hell for most of them when you don't do what you're told. And enough people believe so it causes real pain in daily decisions.

Edited by crazy
Sept. 30, 2011, 10:29:04 AM EDT
Post #348,377
9/30/11 10:29:44 AM

to what point and to what end
this entire thread, which you, in the end, agreed with >me< on, was simply just so you could bullshit pulpit about your particular brand of non religion by assuming a set of beliefs for me (which aren't) and then launching a bunch of personal attacks against it (oh, sorry, you never really meant you).
Frankly, you're better than that.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,379
9/30/11 10:37:45 AM
9/30/11 10:41:27 AM

No, I'm not
I'm not "better" than that.
I'm expressing a variety of viewpoints that my attitude is based on. It has evolved pretty dramatically over the years, and I accept that there might be something else out there.
But extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, not faith.
You've heard me spiel enough before, but NEVER in front of your family.
That would be wrong. I'm better than "that".
On the other hand if your kids reads this some day, and this discussion causes him to question his faith, that would REALLY make you unhappy. Right?
Oh, BTW: Religion stole both freedom of choice and love. I want them back. And it can only be done by informing the next generation. This is a long term project.

Edited by crazy
Sept. 30, 2011, 10:41:27 AM EDT
Post #348,383
9/30/11 10:49:32 AM

Wrong, and there you go again
assuming a set of beliefs onto me that just aren't there.
Faith is personal. If my children question it, then they are doing the right thing, for themselves, and I would be anything BUT unhappy.
This has already happened.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,385
9/30/11 10:50:55 AM

But my question to you is why did you program something into them that questioning makes you happy?
Post #348,389
9/30/11 11:00:59 AM

its societal...unless you're suggesting that I somehow wronged my children by not locking them in the basement.
And, btw..this is it. I'm done here.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,391
9/30/11 11:03:39 AM
9/30/11 11:36:55 AM

I had the same decision
When the boy when to his 1st class when he was around 6 years old.
Religious training.
Yes, I know the teacher is spouting bullshit.
Your job is to NOT argue with her.
She believes, and we know better, but you
are not allowed to argue with the teacher.
You are capable of cultural transmission without lying to your kids.
At least I was.
And now you have another chance.
How's the grandkids? Pushing a parent to utilize the local religious school / daycare?
And so it happens again. Will you be telling the next generation the truth?
And an additional note: I obviously spend a lot of time trying to figure out motivations. Mine 1st, then others. And I toss them out to see which ones get a response, which in turn allows me to focus my thoughts.
This really upset you. Adversarial interaction in the forum means personal stuff. What things in your (or anyones else's life) got them to this point that they say and think these things.
Whenever it hits that, it's bibi for you.
But this discussion is about deeply personal things. It started there. You attempted to couch it in the vast legal framework that may or may not be applied into the situation. But you don't consider the initial goal one that is ever gonna happen, so you are guiding accordingly.
You often say I (and others) have no clue why you think these things. And we should stop bothering to dig. And then you say I'm full of shit when I write in that direction.
Pick one or the other. Engage and give reason why you think certain ways (even when personal), or realize that we only have your writing to choose from. And we make our judgments. Feel free to correct them with real information.
Or if TOO personal, realize that your lack of serious input is noted.
Also, the things we choose not to discuss are the thing we usually aren't very proud of. Are you not proud of your method of cultural transmission, even if you are NOT a believer (which is where this seems to be going but I'm not supposed to ask)?

Edited by crazy
Sept. 30, 2011, 11:20:40 AM EDT

Edited by crazy
Sept. 30, 2011, 11:33:18 AM EDT

Edited by crazy
Sept. 30, 2011, 11:36:55 AM EDT
Post #348,310
9/29/11 12:14:14 PM

"Separate but equal" doesn't work. We tried that.
Civil Unions are "separate but equal" in a different dress. It won't work.
Marriage rights need to be equal.
If you think "marriage" hasn't evolved over time, you're misinformed -
Post #348,314
9/29/11 12:35:12 PM

You are missing the point let me be clear
It is NOT separate but equal. It is working on the LEGAL side..having the LEGAL term "marriage" changed to the LEGAL term of "civil union".
If you walk down the street and ask, "where do people get married?"...the response will be "in a church". Try it. Like it or not, its cultural and religious. And its not a US only phenomenon, though our current discussion is about US law.
So the term "same sex marriage" has a built in error for the vast majority.
Change the "Certificate of Marriage" to a legally defined "Certificate of Civil Union", grandfather all existing certificates to the new definition and voila, equal recognition and treatment under law, no separation whatsoever. Its a different approach, a softer approach, and EASILY turned into a civil rights discussion without all the religious baggage that drives the nutjob right so crazy.
Plus, you just posted a wordier version of the wikipedia article crazy did talking about marriage in ancient rome (which collapsed, by the way, crazy...the catholics didn't kill them).
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,316
9/29/11 12:42:39 PM

Nice try.
Lots of churches will happily perform gay marriages.
Lots of people don't get married in churches.
Lots of people are "married" without any ceremony at all (see: http://en.wikipedia....the_United_States )
You're tilting at windmills to think that the term "marriage" needs to be somehow redefined or that it can be done "easily" or that doing so will make everyone "equal".
(Sorry if I reposted info in a crazy link.)
Post #348,321
9/29/11 5:18:20 PM

Re: Nice try.
Why dont you try what I asked before attempting to rationalize it away with Wikipedia articles about state programs designed to give equal protection under law to those living together in committed fashion for x years ( depending on the state) as those who have been granted the appropriate state license.
Define "lots of", too, ideally as a percentage of all.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,348
9/29/11 11:16:33 PM

Why does it matter?
Post #348,340
9/29/11 8:27:00 PM

better yet, no need for a state marriage license at all
get married at a church, fill in and notarize your civil union papers and file them. Would work for both hetro and others
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
Post #348,345
9/29/11 10:51:38 PM

Post #348,364
9/30/11 8:50:45 AM
9/30/11 8:51:13 AM

After all this, you agree with him...when hes saying the exact same thing.
I fucking give up.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.

Edited by beepster
Sept. 30, 2011, 08:51:13 AM EDT
Post #348,374
9/30/11 10:10:14 AM

No, I want it at the FEDERAL level
I want the state power removed in the 1st place though.
Don't pretend you understand. You didn't have enough info yet.
Post #348,380
9/30/11 10:39:35 AM

Go back and read, butthead
is there ONE MENTION of which government level I was talking. No. Is there one mention of which government level box's legal "civil union" form was filed? No. He just said get rid of the state marriage license...which is directly implied..if you change everything legally to civil union, there is no marriage license anymore.
Equal protection under law and a legal definition of civil union that applies to all.
Local, state, federal level of this was not discussed.
You agreed with him. You disagree with me. We're saying the same thing.
Which basically affirms to me that you were using me and attacking me to further an anti-religious rant at my expense.
Thanks for that.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,384
9/30/11 10:49:51 AM

The single word matters
Obvious you feel that word is IMPORTANT.
So do I.
I can agree with all kinds of stuff you say. And disagree with a core point as well.
That is a cornerstone of holding multiple ideas in your head, realizing some of them conflict, and working through the issues.
Not typically the religious way of thought. All or nothing, ya know?
And if that launches into my rant, so be it. You invite it.
Post #348,386
9/30/11 10:55:34 AM

no, actually it doesn't.
your assumptions about his post versus your assumptions about mine were different. You agreed with him and launched a religious tirade on me.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #348,393
9/30/11 11:06:45 AM
9/30/11 11:46:07 AM

Of course not - to you
Because you want it. You currently THINK you own it. You ain't giving it up.

Edited by crazy
Sept. 30, 2011, 11:46:07 AM EDT