Post #346,928
8/29/11 5:02:51 PM
He doesn't propose things that he doesn't think can pass.
He was in the Senate; he knows how it works. You count votes before pushing legislation. A lot happens before we hear about it, and certainly before preferences are leaked to the press.
It doesn't make sense for him to send a proposal up to the Hill, or send out feelers that "I want X" if he knows he doesn't have the votes to get it passed. Or say "Sure, I'm for Single Payer" when he knows the votes aren't there. (He said as a candidate that if we were starting over that Single Payer would be the way to go. But he also said (and he's right) that we can't simply start over. We can only make incremental changes until there's enough support to make larger ones.) It would be a rallying point for opponents to kill what might make it through.
A better example is the DOMA, DADT, and gay marriage. He's pushing things forward where he can, and taking incremental steps that can make it through both Houses. Has he made statements against gay marriage in the past? Yes. But what has he said recently, after DADT has been eliminated?
If a DOMA repeal were to show up on his desk, I'm sure he'd be happy to sign it. Would McCain do so? Would Bush? Not in a million years - they wanted a constitutional amendment on DOMA....
Another example is gun control legislation.
Another is the "fairness doctrine".
I imagine that he would want legislation passed to tighten gunshow loopholes. I imagine he probably wants more access to diverse opinions on the airwaves. Is he going to propose any such things when he doesn't have the votes? No.
What would you do in his situation? Send up bills that you know don't have a chance in a million in getting passed? One loses power if one's bills get defeated....
Post #346,932
8/29/11 5:53:45 PM
Ok. He's a powerless drone. Gotcha.
So it doesn't really matter who wins next. I gather this means that I don't have to feel guilty about staying home on election day. Doesn't matter.
Curiously enough though, the previous shitweasle got pretty much whatever he wanted, when he wanted it, and no fucking back talk. One hypothesis is that the president has a lot of power to influence and the platform to present his case. Of course, the president would actually have to do it, and it might ruffle some feathers. I suggest that the current shitweasle is getting exactly the deals he wants. If he was willing to get into the fight and go for it, he could make things happen. He's either a total coward, or he's getting what he wants. Fuck him where he lives.
Post #346,935
8/29/11 6:09:16 PM
Did Bush get his way in privatizing Social Security?
The guy in the White House does matter. But he's not king. He can't pass his agenda without enough people to vote for it.
Please tell me what Obama could have done to change the mind of Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman and all the rest. I'd love to hear it.
Post #346,938
8/29/11 6:41:37 PM
Re: Hmm...
Talk to their constituents? Present an energetic, cogent, case for an objective? Embarrass the lower houses for their fecklessness? Get angry? Fight? I would bet that if he got on national TV and actually fought for a point, he might just engage all those people who got him elected. Might actually stir something up and make changes. I would also bet that he does not want to stir up anything or make any changes. But I may just be getting a little cynical...
Sorry about the tenor of the previous post; I'm in a certain amount of pain and it's making me a bit grouchy.
Post #346,940
8/29/11 7:09:43 PM
There was an election a short time ago.
He believes in giving elected representatives a great deal of respect. Even when it's inconvenient for his agenda.
I expect him to do more of what you're suggesting in the coming months, but he's not going to change his spots.
I don't disagree that it would be nice if he would push for his policies more. But he's playing the long game. Time will tell if he'll be more successful in 2012 in building a larger majority...
I hope you feel better soon. Don't worry about being grouchy. J will tell you that I deserve it much of the time. ;-)
Post #347,016
8/30/11 2:25:14 PM
That's interesting.
Even when it's inconvenient for his agenda.
Reading that the second time, I realized something. Aside from keeping his nose in the public trough, I have no idea what "his agenda" is. It turns out that it isn't what he campaigned on. Thus the disaffections. That is the problem in a nutshell.
Post #346,985
8/30/11 8:54:37 AM
Careful. That's how I got slammed 3 years ago.
So it doesn't really matter who wins next.
Post #346,934
8/29/11 5:58:19 PM
The ultimate rationalization of following instead of leading
well done.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #346,936
8/29/11 6:09:35 PM
Non sequitur, as usual.
Post #346,977
8/30/11 6:38:37 AM
Your title said it.
No leadership. He follows..only sticks his neck out when he knows it's safe. That's what " polling for votes" is...
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #346,980
8/30/11 7:08:28 AM
No leadership?
The man knows how to get results with the hand he was dealt.
Post #346,982
8/30/11 7:42:15 AM
the man knows how to sway in the breeze and take credit for it.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #346,983
8/30/11 7:45:48 AM
Post #347,009
8/30/11 1:20:11 PM
If leadership
is defined as starting wars for imaginary WMD, pushing for Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (torture), and the creation of the TSA...
I'll vote for following any day of the week.
Post #347,015
8/30/11 2:13:23 PM
Course you would
and you did...and probably will again.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #347,022
8/30/11 2:56:15 PM
Meaningless riposte as usual, begging the question
of: which of the two gross generalizations tends toward --> the Wiser [??]
(Except, of course 'wisdom' has nothing to do with black/white digital-think and the other cha cha cha.)
Post #347,030
8/30/11 3:31:33 PM
tit for tat.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #347,026
8/30/11 3:15:57 PM
I've got your leadership right here.