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New Camera Question
I've been using a Nikon D50 for a couple of years now, and would like to upgrade. Stay with Nikon so I can keep lens and flash.

But what is the "upgrade" path? I can't make any sense out of the Nikon site, and I don't want to walk into the camera store totally unprepared.

I've found: D40, D40x, D60, D70, D80, D90, D200, D300, D700, D3000, D3100, D5000, and D7000.

I'm trying to transition from hobby to 2nd job/retirement job. Don't want to spend thousands, but don't want to go the wrong way with the camera.

So, any advice would be appreciated. Now if you want to tell me to switch brands, I'll listen, but pricing/features would have to be good.

Thanks all
New DPReview is probably the site to see.

The different model numbers seem to mainly correspond to different calendar years of introduction.

Prices are mainly going to be driven by the sensor size and the electronics. Smaller sensors are cheaper, but noisier (fewer electrons per picture element). For a full-frame sensor, you're looking at thousands (e.g. $3700 for a D3 body). For a D5100 (2011 camera) with an APS-C sensor, you're looking at $800 for a body. DPReview's take on the 5100 is here - http://www.dpreview....nd5100/page22.asp The D7000 gets a higher score, but costs almost $400 more for the body - http://www.dpreview....nd7000/page22.asp

HTH a little. Best of luck!

New Thanks for another great link(s)!
(Helps when friends want to know similar, and I pay little attention to cameras, of late.)

Love the literate, concise and accurate descriptions--just as I would wish for, if 'deciding'.
Obviously he has a good editor and I'd guess.. might once have been an English Major? :-0
His multitasking is superb--apparently he does keep-in-cache all the minute differences, 'tested' by self and reported--at some relevant phrase-- as to significance: you can't 'distill' in a more granular way than that, IMO.

Keeper for REF.

(A while back I acquired a Canon S-2, after seeing Squeak (!) pix taken by neighbor's--the rock-steady results of an authentic 15x optical zoom, with functioning stab. ctrl.)
Except I got mine near pristine for a pittance, off eBay: given the artificial obsolescence engendered by NewModel-itis everywhere.)
I even got a copy of a rather complete after-market manual about this specific model, courtesy of L.

Mine seems not (yet?) to suffer from a particular blight / for which also there is an iFixit-style how-to, for those who are Not fumble-fingered
and who comprehend the torque requirements of jeweler-size screws, and such. One would wish for 'smaller' except when actually Using this right-sized for human hands object.
(I fail to grok-at-all how people 'use' the credit-sized gadgets while actually composing any difficult shot.)

Ah well, back to sleep re. the brilliant future of transistors+cameras: as shall never make any cluless One, Ansel Adams II.

New Re: Camera Question
The d40-80 are all older models (I have the D60)...The D90 is an upgrade that includes HD Video option...

Here's the problem I see with your issue. You want to turn this from hobby to profession. You really need to move from DX to FX sensor to do this effectively...and that means $$$.

Pretty sure anything in the line will work, lenswise...but the 7000 is probably your best upgrade path...you will get higher res and much better light handling. That's the biggest issue I have with the 60...it sucks with low light.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
New Thanks for the input
Now to save up and get a new camera!
     Camera Question - (jbrabeck) - (4)
         DPReview is probably the site to see. - (Another Scott) - (1)
             Thanks for another great link(s)! - (Ashton)
         Re: Camera Question - (beepster)
         Thanks for the input - (jbrabeck)

No. It's "MIDDLE-Endian"!!!
119 ms