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New You liked "genger" better? Gil. Island fan?
Or did I miss a much bigger boo boo?

(It is odd how one can clearly see a typo the second time around, but not the first dispite proof-reading. I guess it is because the second time the mind is not conditioned as much to what was intended.)
New Not "much bigger", but you only caught one out of three.
(In the post above, there's only one, so maybe you'll do better there.)
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
     25 Yrs. Ago Today - (deSitter) - (5)
         Have a picture from the Viking Lander... - (inthane-chan) - (4)
             How to tell a Viking's gender - (tablizer) - (3)
                 (Now that seems to have been one sadly wasted edit.) -NT - (CRConrad) - (2)
                     You liked "genger" better? Gil. Island fan? - (tablizer) - (1)
                         Not "much bigger", but you only caught one out of three. - (CRConrad)

Happy happy joy joy!
31 ms