Haven't flown since 9/11..
And Who-the-Fuck Would WANT TO?! (as opposed to Have-to bizness and other obligations you can't wangle out of.)
I suspect that my next flight is apt to be one-way, anyway--if enough ducks stay in a row.)
As the er, avoirdupois of the average passenger has risen and Spam-in-Can anti-convenience has triumphed in cabin layouts, the average passenger must look at a commercial flight today as, primarily an Ordeal, I wot. You get 'transported' to a new spot after being assaulted (psychologically and physically, often) at all stages of flight until you Exit the province of the mouth-breathers in Uniforms and then ... may have ... a limited-return of basic Rights, (well, the few still operative since sniveling Patriot Act nullification.)
(While this process may be a bit less onerous than the standing-room-only boxcars heading for Belsen, it is guaranteed to kill..OK maim any happy feelings re a 'vacation', either coming or going.)
But OTOH / Devil's advocate arena: indeed there Are folks who Do want to kill us--all over the place.
Wonder. Why. ...since we're such a Like-able bunch of trash-talkin imperialists, so long as everyone agrees with us.
Maybe the Death of Pleasurable flying exactly fits the karma we've generated? since we stole the land from its original inhabitants,
while singing all those treacly psalms about brotherly love / along with that second chorus, Die Redskin!
When everyone is fear-besotted, mobility suffers and dies, eh?
Ergo: bin-L Won, cha cha cha -- what an ROI for a few $100K!
I could almost see voting for Palin Cthulhu in 2012 on the grounds that this sorry ratfucking excuse for a republic, this savage, smirking, predatory empire deserves her. Bring on the Rapture, motherfuckers!
-- via RC