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New LA Times mentioned that possibility . . .
. . but discounted it as improbable given the exact circumstances of the person involved and the police account.

On the other hand, it's a great conspiracy theory, so it's bound to have a long life even if there isn't a fiber of truth in it.

New Given that the owners/managers of the LA Times
would be in the rentier class that wouldn't like to see those changes, I'm not surprised they discounted it. Still, it's kind of neat to see how these things rhyme... Spitzer (prostitutes) Assange (sex by surprise) and now this guy... all of whom have indicated that they were going after the rentier class, or actually have done so.
     Head of IMF arrested in NYC for sexual attack. - (Another Scott) - (3)
         Beginning to see reports that it's a put-up job - (jake123) - (2)
             LA Times mentioned that possibility . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                 Given that the owners/managers of the LA Times - (jake123)

I just KNEW the Good Humor Man was behind this...
43 ms