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New Well, looks like we're getting an election
There are some contempt of parliament motions on the way, and all three opposition parties have just declared they won't be supporting the budget, which is a confidence motion. The government is almost certainly going to fall by the end of the week.
New Meet the new boss - same as the old boss?

My understanding is that the election following the non-confidence vote that felled the Harper government is likely to produce yet another Harper minority government, so whether it will change anything is unclear. We’ll see as polling data starts to emerge…

…however, a commenter notes that 308 is projecting a Conservative majority. I’ll believe the Tories getting 46 57 seats in Ontario when I see it…


Harper (a Conservative, head of a minority coalition government) was hit with Canada's first Contempt of Parliament vote, thus lost a confidence vote, and the Conservatives may win an outright majority? It's things like that that make me think that while Parliamentary systems have some advantages over the US system, they're not overwhelmingly better.

Apparently the election will be May 2. Fingers crossed, Jake.

New Yeah... The Harper Government(tm) getting a majority is
pretty much the worst case scenario. About the only upside is that after five years of letting them run rampant, it should cool the Canadian people to them for another generation.
     Well, looks like we're getting an election - (jake123) - (2)
         Meet the new boss - same as the old boss? - (Another Scott) - (1)
             Yeah... The Harper Government(tm) getting a majority is - (jake123)

It looks like someone sewed pieces of a waterlogged Reagan mask together at gunpoint.
30 ms