Do you remember the name of the app or what it looked like?
Remember the mics on the android were setup for right around 350-450 hz.
Not really.
It was mostly a black screen with a speedometer-like dial and some digits. I think there are 2-3 of them in the Android market, but I'm not sure which one it was exactly.
It might have been this one - https://market.andro...?id=kr.sira.sound HTH. Cheers, Scott. (Who would be astounded if it were actually accurate, but the bandwidth is something I hadn't considered.) |
Yes its pretty accurate...
That is the best performing one.
Its accurate for "voice" range of noise... so it was probably very accurate considering most of the noise was vocal. The SPL meter I have from my Dad measured dang near the same. |
Neat. Thanks.