There Ought To Be a Law
Every time someone says that, I answer: How would you enforce the law? Are you willing to put people in jail to enforce the law? Are you willing to kill those that refuse to be put in jail? Are you willing to be the person who pulls them out of bed in the middle of the night and shoots them?
My daughter hates when I do that, especially because when she becomes queen, she has a long laundry list of laws she wants to implement. They all seem like puppies and hugs, until you realize they take away 90% of your freedom. At least to me.
I hate that phrase, especially when bandied about by whiners.
Something tells me that every time Box or Beep hear anything that feels like someone is saying TOTBAL, their internal process runs a loop kind of like mine, and they take it out a few more steps, assuming that person answers yes to all my questions.
And then reacts accordingly.