That guy owned the state, owned the inspectors, and has THOUSANDS of violations that he ignored. Multiple people died in his operations, in multiple incidents, and he continued to ignore the safety violations. He tried to keep the few inspectors that cared out, and when the collapse happened, he attempted to blame the inspectors!

Very few people were willing to talk about it because he had so much power.

If he's not evil, he brushes his teeth with it in the morning, and that is close enough for me.

So, if someone deserves to die a horrible death (let's say slow suffocation while you know people are just a few feet away and UNWILLING to save you because it might cut into their profit (hey, where were the legally required safe areas that had air supplies? Nah, too expensive, fuck'em. How about the required ventilation to exhaust the explosive coal dust? Broke, known, didn't care)), he's pretty much up there on the list.