I'd also like to add
that Loughran talked about a grammar that brainwashed, which was, of course, the point of Newspeak, that created language of Ingsoc. He did say he was a fan of Orwell, right? After all, 1984 and Animal Farm paint socialists and communists in such a great light... and like I said, have you ever actually read The Republic, by Plato? I have. The form of governance it argues for is neither democratic nor egalitarian. The most that can be said for it is that it suggests an aristocracy based on merit... but an aristocracy nonetheless. Certainly not anything that resembled socialism. If there is any socialism there, it is at best the paternalistic conservative socialism of Kaiser Wilhelm, not the empowered radical socialism of Karl Marx.
As for the rest of it, you say the left does it... but I don't hear the left when I tune in to the AM radios on the other side of the river.