That kid's hair has had a couple of year's since you've seen it. I'm just mildly wild at this point, about 2 week past haircut due.
Note: He's lost a lot of weight since you've seen him, got a bit of respect at work, and maybe even has a girlfriend. Maybe, because he won't tell me. hehe.
Cute story:
"Adult" daughter, with boyfriend and baby, living away from mom for the last 3 years or so. Call's on New Year's, says to her mom:
Isn't it weird for me to be here and you to be there with "the boy".
Note: The boy's mom is not her mom.
My TL said: No, it's not weird for me, it's weird for you. You've started your own family and should be taking care of yourself and them. On the other hand, "the boy" now lives with me and needs a mom, so I swapped him for you.
She was not amused. Oh well.