Just don't start pining for the fjord of my ass while we are in combat! 'Cause I will put you in your place. I said, "cover my ass" not "fantasize about my ass".
I was between the Beirut, Lebanon Barracks demolition (which was the impetus that caused me to join) and Desert Storm.
Plenty of bivouacs/games though and heavy fire fight... I was a 2841/2861 in direct support of 3rd Tanks. If the radios were borked, they came to me to fix first. Roadwheels weren't kind to radios.
Took a weapon every time. Sidearm at all times. Got to guard the mobile crypto cage once in a while.
DADT came into effect after me. So I never worried about it in the first place. We just dealt with those that needed help paying proper attention with brass brushes and socks with multiple soap bars in them.
We had one guy (a terminally Pvt) Pvt Orson Whitehead, in our barracks that kept everyone up at night pacing back and forth and mumbling through most of the night. The entire barracks was put on "extra special" watch after he reported that he was tormented in various ways with brushes and soap... He was transferred to the (term not endearing to sick people) company at 29 stumps, finally.
My Company lost about 6 weekends of liberty due to his belief we were doing racist things to him (he being really dark dark dark green). He thought it was a game and thought we were picking on him only... sorry.
We had another Marine that showered once in a *while* (same with laundry), he also got the treatment. It only took once for him to understand.
Gay and Lesbian wasn't something we worried about in any case... even though we knew some were. They just didn't advertise.