No long delay here + a couple of observations
The redirect from to adds almost a second to the initial page load time in my case. It also generates a second DNS hit. If your DNS server is slow to resond or you have a broken forwarder (say a certain type of Belkin wireless router) this could easily exacerbate the delay.
There are no long delays downloading parts once the root page is loaded. I do see long delays closing connections, but that does not seem to have an effect on page display. The delays occur on both sides, so this may just be the way HTTP works. E.g. the last request is finished after 9s but the last connection is closed at 22s.
The blog doesn't have the redirect overhead and otherwise behaves the same as the main page.
Most of the static content you provide (images, css, ...) has the Expires header set to April 15 2010. This sets up an extra trip to the server for everything that is used more than once.