So far it's mostly confirming things I already knew. Israel really does want to attack Iran, the government of Afghanistan is corrupt, the US spies on the UN, the government of China is behind some computer hacking. Nothing unexpected.

Probably the most interesting thing I've seen is getting some idea just how close the US is watching Hamid Karzai. They are bugging his offices and his communications, so in many cases we know exactly when Karzai is lying to us. But the two sides get together and lie to each other because they are trying to manipulate each other and don't want to tip their hands. Karzai had to know the US was looking over his shoulder, but this will give him some idea exactly when, where and how.

The section about Putin and Berlusconi building a close relation is something I didn't know. I find that interesting, and Berlusconi isn't going to be happy about anything slipping out in regards to that. The bit about Putin having trouble controlling the massive unwieldy Russian bureaucracy is also amusing.
