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New Yes, that's exactly what it's for
Try running it a little less than half-way up, and giving some time for the pan to warm up before putting the oil and then meat in.
New Seconded
The hottest setting on even most commercial gas cooktops won't cook as fast as some cheap electrics.

New Urk. That is indeed the problem.
I got used to gas in my first flat and loved it. I guess I got spoilt on my mum's glass-ceramic. Now in my current flat, I have a super-cheap sealed-plate electric that I suspect the owner put in just before putting it up for rent. I've even seen a plate start glowing red.


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
New I learned that one the hard way
I do pan-fried chicken in butter. I was used to my gas top, where I would put the cold pan on the burner, on high, with the butter in it. Then I'd open the chicken, rinse and dry it, dredge it in flour and put it in the pan.

First time I did that with the electric, when I laid the first piece in the butter exploded. It would have been pretty impressive if it hadn't been so painful. I had second-degree burns on the back of my hand and first-degree halfway up my forearm.

     What would be tell-tale signs my stove is too hot? - (static) - (7)
         Yes, that's exactly what it's for - (jake123) - (3)
             Seconded - (drook) - (2)
                 Urk. That is indeed the problem. - (static) - (1)
                     I learned that one the hard way - (drook)
         What you need is one of these . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
             Yes. Yes, I do. Ebay is going to make another sale... -NT - (static)
             Agreed - (crazy)

This is starting to sound like and invasion of "Them!". EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-krrrrrk-ick-ick-ick-ka-ka-ka. Sheesh!
36 ms