Possession of such equanimity is always laudable, though.
It may 'cost you' up-with-putting (and observing decline) the processes you hint at. Helplessly(?)
That's a 'sacrifice' of a sort, no?
Wish my tolerance-level were so advanced ... but when I find self having had-It Up to HERE, I tend to fall back on the briefest 'clinical' diagnosis of events: expressed..
That in hopes that cold-water might be a beneficent shock of some ilk.
But, alas ... also in exasperation, which colours any 'beneficial' aspects merely wished-for.
Mea {sigh} culpa
(But IME, I do not find such personalities nearly so gender-biased as you imply.)
There is no entity as 'hyster-ical' [recall that root] as a technician -- one whose 'philosophy' is as mechanistic and simple-deductive as is his trade (a perhaps middle-aged-13yo, say)
-- in the throes of discovering s/he has yet to find out squat.. about himSelf (and/or her Murican-inculcated fantasies of Prince Charming, etc.)
We breed 'incomplete, inauthentic humans' Here. (Authentic cultures, at least try to introduce truthiness to the kinder, as they grow in ability to deal with abstractions.)
Of course too, they inculcate local koans along with the useful stuff; but nowhere except in totalitarian states, have I seen the level of 'fantasy-Over-all-matters', as witnessed here, from my own puppyhood on.
The suffering souls you limn appear to be the ones who bought all the worst-idiocies of this environment, were never able to equip selves with the necessary disdain for simplistic folk-BS or
... as Dick Feynman put it in a book title:
What Do You Care What Other People Think?
(Or maybe some technos just read Tom Nadeau's opine in, Seven LEAN years ... America's New High-Tech Underclass ??
Some truthiness in there, but not much about the Cost of having skipped socialization via experience ... in there, as explanation of how Biz-heads always Would exploit the services of
... anyone they Can / especially anyone unarmed in dealings with the ethics-free Suited wannabe-Overlords abounding.
As to female-specific aberrations? I couldn't write that book; maybe a preamble at best.
Luck finding a worthy; they Are out there, but communications today are oft lost in the Noise, for all the open-mics everywhere. Because-of the too-many-at-once??
Muricans gots no Time for lesisurely perusal, let alone 'solitude' in which to re-create.
And it shows. Boy does it Show.