Hear that
#1 - You claimed spam.
Now you claim other.
I claim shenanigans.
It's a very simple switch, and it is obviously (to all) that you realized you were full of shit, and then decided to delve back in to the article.
So now that you've admitted you were wrong there, ok I'll answer this too.
The ISP created a spam blast mechanism that they allow some people to use, and not others. There are LOTS of FED vs LOCAL laws, they conflict, and the f'ing ISP is not the expert on them. They are creating an opaque mechanism to slow down and hassle those they don't like.
If they have the right to control, then they have the responsibility. Is this an accepted legal issue, or do I need to explain it to you? Safe harbor means that they aren't allowed to filter on content (except for spam, which you've already shown you know this is not), no safe harbor means they HAVE to filter and can be sued for pretty much anything they carry.
Are you telling me that they will be legally responsible for every message that gets through, as well? Meaning suable for fraudulent content.

Edited by
Sept. 29, 2010, 06:12:01 PM EDT