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New It's also around the time that restaurants switched to trans
fats for their deep fryers. I was working in a burger king up here when that happened, prolly around 1983 or 84.
New And PIzza places started using...
Rapeseed oil for dough... rather than good ole lard.

I worked at Pizza Hut and the found it A LOT cheaper as they only had to have ONE source of fat in the place vs one for the dough and one for the pans/salads/other stuff.
     Probably true story - (drook) - (5)
         1980 was about when sugar was subbed by hfc -NT - (boxley) - (4)
             Yup, nearly impossible to tease out which had more impact -NT - (drook)
             Or could this have been when the food pyramid was - (Ashton)
             It's also around the time that restaurants switched to trans - (jake123) - (1)
                 And PIzza places started using... - (folkert)

Sorry about the mass of technical details.
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