about the hysterical soap opera which Murican 'politics' always is:
I doubt that you are surprised that our 'Social Security' ... ie. the very Idea that there should Be Such a Thing
-- is currently under attack by various reactionary groupings (merely for having the concept 'social' anywhere around it.)
And such fulminations are (see Russ Feingold matters) successfully beating-out re-electable long-time non-lunatic seat holders,
in preparation for the verbal diarrhea to accompany {{shudder}} the little dances to be held in November.
Now I know what you're thinking:
IF'n 'They' replace living-breathing humans with such pod-people droids, aren't they Shooting-in-gonads
-- the Party (they have devoured into irrelevance) -- to the benefit of the Opposition?
Yeah, one might think so, but this be Murica 2010.
(Let the shuddering commence early, so those muscles will be strong enough to bear the November Shudders in all sentient onlookers.)
PS -- welcome back from the Void!