Cox is saying that their broadband and their email are a single product. Can't have just broadband, because they don't sell it that way.
Do you agree with that position? Is it true that it's not possible to offer broadband service that doesn't do anything except connect to the internet at a given rate?
And what about the other example? What if Time Warner decides to block all traffic from NetFlix. And Comcast decides to block everything from Hulu. (For "block" you can assume I mean, "slow it down so much the service is unusable".) Should that be allowed? Do you think market forces alone are sufficient to prevent it? (Hint: It's already happened.) If it is a problem, what should be done about it?
As for 911 service, is it impossible that there could be an exception made? Or might it be time to recognize that a whole lot of people aren't using the POTS any more, and we should reexamine how 911 is accomplished, rather than just pass laws protecting the POTS?